Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Baked Oatmeal

I've really been trying to eat a lot healthier lately. After doing the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, I kind of didn't stop. I've cut out processed food, sugar, fried things, and coffee [obviously on occasion I eat these things, but rarely. I've noticed I just don't feel great after I eat them] It's really easy to do during the week because I almost always have meals and snacks planned. On the weekend it's a lot harder because I'm at a movie or out to supper or at the bar and it's a little more difficult to eat better.


I have been cooking new recipes I find on Pinterest and it's amazing. Until last night. When it all went very, very wrong.

I can't even tell you when I came to the realization that it wasn't going to turn out... Probably about the time I tried to mix milk, eggs and PEANUT BUTTER together. With a fork.  I knew it wasn't a good idea, and yet I kept going.

I would write more but it just depresses me. Ugh what a mess. Believe it or not peanut butter does not...melt when baked at high temperatures. I blame it on the natural pb...someone at work blamed it on the eggs.


It might look decent, but it has these awful pockets of gelatinous unsweetened oatmeal.
It's quite terrifying. And it's only missing so many because I scooped three pieces out to take to work for breakfast for the week.

This is quite literally what failure looks like. In an 8x8 pan sitting in my refrigerator right now. 

The absolute worst part about the whole thing.
It smelled AMAZING! So I'm sitting on my couch waiting for it to be done, and naturally take a bite right as it comes out of the oven so it's quite literally too hot to even tell if it's good or not... The second bite was spit into the sink.

I wasn't going to add this, but I actually wrote a comment on the woman's blog I got the recipe from, and probably sounded like a whiny brat (not really, but probably pretty whiny) everyone else had noooo problems, why did it turn out so bad for me?!

I hate baking.

xo A

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