Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Cinderella 5K aka Princess 5K aka Royal Family 5K
We all went as princesses (obviously) I'm Ariel

I feel so in my element with this crown on...

 Corral E waiting to move to Start

 The starting line!!
 And fireworks to start us! "This is strangely like the Hunger Games...I don't think I like it"

 We weren't about to stop running to wait in a 30 person line (especially because Aladdin wasn't there) so call me a creeper if you want, but these 2 people just got in the way

Same... Where is BELLE?!
 I happened to have my phone out to text Nick Happy Birthday, and a celebratory picture of the Beast so I snapped mile marker 2
 Ok yeah, we stopped running for these pics too - but it was pretty!

So they had photographers all along the way (but like anything the pictures are SUPER expensive, like $24 for one photo. Pass. I'm not going to print any of them, but every time we saw a camera, Syd or I would yell to the other and we'd run past like a bunch of fools. Literally same facial expression each time.

 aaaaand finished!!! whoop whoop  shortly after the below picture was taken I photobombed these 2 ladies, but my number was covered up so it didn't come up in "my pictures" I really want to hunt for it, because it was really funny, and the photographer called me out. But I hope the 2 ladies are laughing/were laughing when they opened it :)

There's so much glitter on my face, it hurts

Ran into Ursula after we finished - pretty sweet costume

Did you know Roca is Italian for "lots of nuts" as in Almond Roca, as in Kat can't eat nuts or almond roca :) Or anything that looks good in the "after race box" we got

xo A

ESPN Wide World of Sports...before WDW

ESPN Wide World of Sports to pick up our packets, t-shirts, race bibs....and this guy.

As I grab his arm,
Me: "Oh wow, check out those guns"

All: Thanks!!
Handsome Man in Wig: "Miss, guns aren't allowed inside"
I like to think he then winked, but I was laughing to hard to notice

 This is the wall of all the 5K runners - over 10,000 names (there are 2 more sections on the right)

It took too long and there were WAY too many people, but I found Sydnie too :)

The Expo with all sorts of Disney merch that you could buy

 Soooooo many more to come!
xo A

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lahr Family Vacation: the beginning

The Lahr family does Florida!!! We stayed 2 nights on Sanibel Island on the beeeeach.
I mainly only took pictures of Brody, because he's just so darn cute.
Our sweet ride, that it got to drive :)

Brody, can you smile for aunt Judy?




Hey Brody, can you smile for me?

The Lighthouse on Sanibel Island


Unfortunately this was as close to the sand he would get, but a definite step up from not wanting to touch it at all...
So obviously dad and I had to build the sandcastle village


And experienced some crazy big waves on Captiva


So many pictures, more to come.
xo A

Lahr Family Vacay 2014 part 2

Too many pictures.
And that face!!


Resort view

This boy loves his sunglasses...and mine
Twins Spring Training practice

Sun Harvest juice selection



Reading about Disney World..
Trying to get "poppa" out of the shower...just keep knocking

The above two pictures are courtesy of mom, hah! I laughed out loud awhile at this last one!!

xo A