Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Aypanes! Aypanes!

I always sit next to really interesting people on airplanes.
My move-move to Florida I sat across the aisle from a guy who was around my age, and really all I wanted to do was wallow in the fact that I had just moved 1400 miles from home, but he talked to me the whole time about what I should do now that I would be living in SW Florida. I got his number, and he invited Jaclyn and I out that night (we didn't go) but nonetheless it was nice. We texted a few times, we were snapchat friends, but he sent the stupidest snaps and we kinda stopped talking.

This time I sat next to an older couple who were snow birds flying home to Michigan ( they usually drive, but decided to fly this time...they're not good fliers..) super sweet, we sat pretty much in the back so we waited til the end so they could get out easier.

From ATL to Cedar Rapids, I sat next to a woman in her early 30's and she had a dog in one of those soft carriers. A baby Yorkie, super adorable (I know you were thinking it was like some enormous thing..it was not, I was fine, the dog was well behaved). The family in front of me had a boy who was probably 2 or 3, and kept shouting at the window whenever he saw a plane or a truck or basically anything that moved. I mean shouting. It was a riot, it's a baby plane from Atlanta to CR so I'm sure everyone could hear. But it was so funny, because he was missing a tooth (he fell and it had to be pulled, don't worry I asked) and a lisp, or could pronounce "L" AYPANE mom! AYPANE!! You could tell the mom was uncomfortable with how loud he was, but I was laughing so hard, I loved it. At least he wasn't screaming...

Flash forward to my flights home.

Bald man sits next to me in his March Madness Final Four t shirt. Needless to say, we have lots to talk about.
Movies, his best friends sister is Melissa Monaghan, she's the wife in Due Date and Made of Honor. Also in Eagle Eye. Favorite movies, favorite songs, basketball, tv shows, Iowa (he's from Alabama and has a sweet southern accent), favorite books, how he eats M&M's on planes and I eat the Delta cookies. (He gave me his pack, I ate a lot of them) we both part ways at the jet bridge as he missed his connection and has a brother in Atlanta to stay with. I truck my booty 2 terminals over and arrive with 15 minutes to spare.

Do you ever specifically book the window seat on a late flight so you can sleep? (I mean I always book the window..)
And do you ever have someone sitting in your "A" window seat during boarding "so they're out of the way"?
I always have a pre-rehearsed speech something like "hey dummy, I paid for the window, move your butt outta my seat" but never have to use it. The seat stealer, usually gets up, maybe it's the expression on my face, who knows. Anyway long story...this guy is in my seat. And I'm so flustered because I just tried to put my carry on onto someone's crutches, and have to move it to the other side (my suitcase is heavy, I'm not happy) that when I say "oh hey, that's me", and point to the seat he is currently occupying, nothing happens.

So whatever, I sit in the middle seat, it's an hour and a half flight, I'll suck it up, maybe the middle seat person will come and want to change, who knows what I was thinking. All I know is that I really wanted to sleep. We chat about Florida, he lives in Naples, blah blah blah jobs, hobbies, him racing cars, significant others, I mean it obviously comes up because I'm texting and of course "oh, you texting your boyfriend?"
Nope, don't have one.
-a pretty girl like yourself?
That is correct

He asks about my nephew on my phone asking if he's mine. Instead of lying and saying he is, I flip through all the baby pictures from the weekend.  I ask if he does. He was with this girl for 6 years and they talked about having kids, and then she cheated on him. He still misses her, but doesn't see her anymore. Praise The Lord.

I decided I didn't want to talk and would rather nap, but he continues to wake me up with random thoughts until the drink cart came so he can get a tomato juice, and I get a coke so he can have it. I then began the "fake sleeping" elbow on armrest, chin in hand, and managed to fall asleep. I woke up when we started descending, with no neck pain...apparently I was sleeping on his shoulder, and him on mine. I'm sure it was super cute.

And so our flight ended with "you have beautiful eyes" and "do you have Instagram?"
I also am in possession of his number. What to do....

xo A

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