Monday, April 28, 2014

Food for thought

Traveling and delays allows me a lot of time to think (scary I know) but that is what ColorNote app is for... Here goes
What would possess one to think that when you leave the secured area of the airport (to sit in a tornado shelter) that you wouldn't have to re go through security. And no, you still can't bring your beverage through. (It's over 3 ounces that's why!)

That you get to complain about how COLD it is. But no one else gets to complain about, oh I don't know...95% humidity.

The idea of getting a tattoo is growing deeper. I got a henna tattoo that was green and smeared and was awful, but I think if it looked better I would enjoy it. The fact that it smeared and looked like permanent marker was a huge fail. (Sorry no pics)(it really was terrible)

That I didn't spend 5 minutes picking out dent-free apples, for you to DROP them into my bag. (they have dents now)

That I can fill one basket at the grocery, but it takes you 4 plastic bags that I have to lug to my car.

That although, yes, I do want my gallon of milk in a plastic bag so it doesn't sweat all over, I do not want to carry it by the handles. In a non-double bag. 
However, I do think it would be sweet as hell to explode a gallon of milk in the parking lot (if I had another one in hand so I didn't have to go back in and buy one) and pretend like it wasn't me. Hmm stay tuned on this.

I'm going to pass on this helpful tip. If something in your kitchen smells awwwwful, check the potatoes. It's apparently got to hot in my apartment over the weekend. Never let potatoes turn. It's not something you want to deal with.

Why is it ok for children to not wear pants, but as an adult it's frowned upon? I'm basically a big child, huge double standard people. Huge.

This is enormous, but a good mantra for me. Anything can be changed with 3 deep breaths.


One last thought for the day. I mean I should probably end on a good note.
As I think back to my trip home this past week; so much food, lots of drinks (getting iced),  an air hockey accident, home decorating, spring walk, Amish store, wedding dresses, brunch, tornado warning and the obligatory safety meeting, I'm so happy I was able to see so many people. So much family and babies and friends, near and far. Makes me feel super special :)
Love you all

xo A

Also, I found out Half Price books has a website now soooo that's a pretty big deal.

And if you've read this far. You're in luck, (&&thanks) I have really good airport stories coming tomorrow ;) I meet the best people on airplanes.

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