Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I fully believe in karma. And not just after today, but always. 

And so it begins like this:
Life has been unnaturally good lately. I got new running shoes and have been knocking out miles like nobodies business, I've been eating and cooking good again, having really good conversations with friends, crafting constant busy.  Not always good, because when it stops it's usually bad. 

I have pretty bad road rage now that it is in season, and tonight I was following 2 cars in this parking lot and the one in front could NOT make up their mind about where to go and eventually just stopped. Naturally I was frustrated and honked. A very angry looking mother and son crossed in front of that car and I felt like a huge asshat. 

Karma has a way of hitting you very quickly as I now sit in th CVS Pharmacy parking lot typing this. I received 2 calls yesterday and today saying my prescription was ready, lo and behold, it is not. Karma my friends
Slow down Alyssa, appreciate things more, stop rushing around. Message heard loud and clear. 

And now I'm off to see The Imitation Game with heartthrob Benedict Cumberbatch.

Slow down.
xo A

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I swear to you now. I could run a marathon listening to "I whip my hair back n forth" That song can make me run another 4 minutes + 4 minutes EASY. (Yes I listen to it back to back)

It also helps when cute guys are in the gym. And you've just bought new running shoes that are bomb.com

I look for motivation in many forms. Usually it's supper. Yesterday it happened to be the guy on the bike behind me. Sue me.

For your listening enjoyment.

xo A

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Nail polish on nail polish

I love to paint my nails, and it no surprise that I also own a lot of different colors.  Some so old, I remember wearing them in high school, yikes.

So I found this awesome idea on Pinterest to use a picture frame and create a shelf to hold all of them, but also display them.

Like always I consulted Justin if this was something that is possible (mainly because I don't own a saw). I started with an 8x10 frame and after drawing out plans, it would only hold 21 polishes


So after much deliberating (not) I went with the 11x14 frame. Justin built a "mini bookshelf", I stained it, then I nailed it into the frame.




Now I just need another necklace holder....

xo A

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Conversation on the telephone with Brody (nephew age 2 1/2)
B-hi lyssa
Me- hi Brody! Are you having fun at papa and grandmas?!
B-yeah, are you coming to papas's?
<heart breaks>
Me- aww Brody, no I'm here in Florida still
B- flor-I-da?

It's moments like these that I wish I was closer to home

xo A

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Salt && Peppa here...

I know probably every work to the GEICO commercial (it's not hard, there aren't many)

No I'm not going to be talking about 80's hit songs... I made stuffed peppers tonight. Superb.

Onions and garlic in skillet, brown turkey. Add spices. Add 2 tomatoes. Cook 5 minutes. Add rice and black beans. Smush into your cut out peppers and bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Top with a little cheese and bake another 5 minutes. Violá!


If you think those directions suck. Go here: http://www.luvabargain.com/stuffed-red-peppers-brown-rice-ground-turkey.html


Always always use parchment paper, makes clean up a breeze.
Some days I love doing dishes. But after I just cooked, is not one of those times. I sometimes think about inviting people over to cook for, so they will do my dishes.

It feels so great to be back to my routine now that the holidays are over.

xo A

Monday, January 5, 2015

It has begun again...

It's snowbird season. Lots of people driving at rush hour that could just stay home one more hour. I have a feeling over the coming months, weeks, days I should have lots of good idiotic stories

When you're following a line of people going 5 under in your car and you finally see the leader and he's driving like a jack wagon and then you get close enough and realize he's the moron that sticks his registration stickers in all four corners. 
 xo Sharpie bumper

Gets in the "left" left turn lane because it's shorter but immediately needs to turn right, right in front of you
xo Proud army dad

Enough complaining. Please make this. Immediately. Cauliflower Mac n Cheese.


It's here: http://selfproclaimedfoodie.com/hidden-cauliflower-macaroni-cheese/
I'm in a food coma and too lazy. I 3/4'd it because I've made the mistake of cooking for 8 before. But now I have leftover cauliflower for a snack!

It started out being healthy...but then it wasn't. I used 1% instead of half&half and sharp cheese, handful of Parmesan and white cheddar, and topped it with parsley/breadcrumbs under the broiler.

Trust me. It's time for me to go waste 3 hours watching the season premiere of the Bachelor

xo A