Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I fully believe in karma. And not just after today, but always. 

And so it begins like this:
Life has been unnaturally good lately. I got new running shoes and have been knocking out miles like nobodies business, I've been eating and cooking good again, having really good conversations with friends, crafting constant busy.  Not always good, because when it stops it's usually bad. 

I have pretty bad road rage now that it is in season, and tonight I was following 2 cars in this parking lot and the one in front could NOT make up their mind about where to go and eventually just stopped. Naturally I was frustrated and honked. A very angry looking mother and son crossed in front of that car and I felt like a huge asshat. 

Karma has a way of hitting you very quickly as I now sit in th CVS Pharmacy parking lot typing this. I received 2 calls yesterday and today saying my prescription was ready, lo and behold, it is not. Karma my friends
Slow down Alyssa, appreciate things more, stop rushing around. Message heard loud and clear. 

And now I'm off to see The Imitation Game with heartthrob Benedict Cumberbatch.

Slow down.
xo A

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