Monday, June 24, 2013

Good choices

Some might say I’m a picky person. I would have to agree with them. I have very strong feelings for things, but am very much like a small child, where I will forget, and move on to the next thing. After being in Florida a little over a month, these are the things I still have not gotten over.

Not only are they legal, but it’s actually frowned upon to NOT do U-turns. I whip a U-turn almost every day. Being from Iowa, my brain has been trained that when you hear “Make a U-turn in 500 feet” that you messed up and took a wrong turn. Not here! Embrace it. Live it. Love it.

One thing is true almost everywhere. People are lazy. Especially when it comes to driving. And Florida, you’re not making it easy on me. Since I’m almost certain we will never get snow here, someone thought it was a good idea to put cement blocks in every parking lot everywhere.
Know what I can’t do now? Pull forward when I park so I don’t have to back out. In Iowa you never saw this, hello...snow plows.

So now I’m attempting to be a guy and pull into the parking spot backwards. I’ve only been doing it at my apartment. For the past 2 weeks. And have not one time been successful in the first try. #fail
I get really nervous that people are watching and judging me (because clearly most people obviously have nothing better to do)


People here either drive like their car was stolen (which is a good possibility) or they are on island time. No real happy medium. So here I am, Wisconsin plates, sunglasses, and windows down in the 89 degree heat (see below) I mean one of these days I'll change them over, but I'm in no hurry now. I feel like I'm a pretty big target, because if you're not Florida plates, you're from Ohio or Pennsylvania. I will have you know I haven't been honked at yet (except the time....both times, I had a rental car and i didnt have the light on because they weren't automatic, how was I supposed to know?! It wasn't THAT dark) and carpool ladies I haven't honked at anyone yet either! (oh oops, nope I just did the other day, but the light was green for awhile and they didn't notice right away) (ok it wasn't really that long but they were being obnoxious I'm sure)

I was spoiled in Madison. We don’t have those luxuries here.

AKA when the devil is beating his wife
We’re in the rainy season here, and it rains every day between 3-6pm. Normally when it rains you think “gross, brr, it’s cold, gloomy….etc.” Here, it’s still sunny, and the rain is warm. It’s actually pretty nice – and the lightening is amazing. Also rain=rainbows…so there’s that too.

I feel like I’m in high school again with the AC on high and the windows rolled down. How many places can you live and drive with the windows down every single day? And blaring this song
++Nelly?! Hello summer.



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