Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Who's having a fun New Years?

This girl.


Yup. I recycle. And am covered in glitter. Perrrrrfect.
Be safe and have a Happy New Year!

xo A

Monday, December 30, 2013

The many faces of Brody....

And Christmas Day. We were very busy. (Thanks for all the pictures Travis)(and mom)(way better than cell phone pictures!)














Hope you had a Merry Christmas!
xo A

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve!







So, every year instead of doing a gift exchange, we do a different sort of game. This year we bought our own gifts and wrapped in newspaper/brown paper bag, then everyone opens a bag and has to guess who bought what. It's really fun to see the gifts people buy and see who everyone guessed bought what and how they try to throw you off. So this year I was a little late and off my game so I went with lottery tickets (from Iowa of course). Spent $39 and...drumrolllllll....won $30... Not bad right?!  There will be a follow up on my "lotto ticket addiction" later.


xo A

Friday, December 20, 2013

Lakeside Country Bash

Sunday was the Lakeside Country Bash at Lakes Park in FM.


Craig Campbell


Josh Thompson

The most amazing baked potato I've ever eaten in my entire life
Joe Nichols

This one is for you mom...

The Band Perry!

xo A

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Riding in Cars with Boys

I'm going to start this off by asking, why didn't any of my friends in high school tell me how big of a creep I was when I stared at cars/people when driving, or made you speed up to check out a "hot guy" that just cruised past us. 

I'm not sure why, when I'm driving I do it...because it's funny? Maybe.

It's not. It happened to me today by some high schoolers in their parents Nissan 370Z coupe. To make matters worse we were stopped in traffic and I was losing my mind laughing uncontrollably at them for slowing down. I was checking out the car, I'm sure they thought I was checking them out ( I was not) they looked 15. 

So now we're playing this tag game of if I stay far enough behind you I'm fine, or I can speed up and be in front of you. But then they pulled in front of me and I had to turn anyway. Game over. Except they turned at my turn. So now I look like the stalker right? Following these 15 year olds around. Turns out they were going to the mall to hang out by the fountain and eat Auntie Ann pretzels with their allowance. Nonetheless. They honked at me as I drove by. 

I won't lie and say I'm not flattered, it gave me a good laugh. And I'm probably still going to tape someone's number to the car window on a long drive, but I digress, it's still creepy, especially when you're in the car by yourself.

Now, if you've learned nothing from this post yet, here is a key takeaway: be less creepy when driving! Don't stare!

xo A

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gator bait and marshmallows

Christopher was in town for the weekend, and this is what transpired.

We went on an airboat ride/tour. I was a little skeptical as to whether we would see any, but it was a beautiful day and would be nice just to be outside.

We walk outside and a boat is coming back, I kid you not this alligator is just hanging out. Literally a foot from the dock. I'm losing my mind. It was one of those things in my head I was thinking it was fake or something. Like one of those pool rafts, but looks a lot more legit. I took 6 pictures of him just in case we didn't see anymore. 
I did not however, get a picture of the guide patting his snout and feeding him marshmallows.
Real. Life.


So we get in the boat, put on our earmuffs (no pictures of that)(thank goodness) and are off on our way zipping through the water and mangroves. We slow down and he turns off the fan and we pull up next to this beauty. At this point I've officially lost my mind because I ask "uhh can he like get into the boat, like...crawl on"
Oh yeah, I mean he probably won't, but he could. (Guide throws him a marshmallow)
Good to know
12 feet. I'm actually feeling a little nauseous as I write this.


So I asked a ton of questions. Some might say I was annoying...but don't ask them.
They can swim about 28 mph and run on land 15ish mph.
If you do happen to be bit my an alligator, you should not thrash, his razor sharp teeth will tear you up, instead you should remain calm (hah! Nice one, that would never happen) and then clean the wound with bleach. No hospital necessary.

I don't really know what I was expecting, maybe us to be sitting in a cage? But we did sign a piece of paper, and write our addresses...so they know where to send the body.




Once the tour was over I saw a snake. It was terrifying. I don't care if it looks like a worm. Denise told me I did a good job finding it. And then she proceeded to put it safe so no one would step on it.
I wanted to tell her that's what I wanted to do to it, but she picked it up first. (Let's be real, I would have never stepped on it in fear that it would slither up my leg)

Included in the tour were pictures with a baby alligator. It sounded awesome until we were in the pen and this happened.
"He won't hurt you, just hold tight and don't drop him. I legally have to rubberband him"


No one likes a show off.




xo A

Monday, December 16, 2013

Glitter jars and iPads

Ugh. So I wrote this last last week.

We're doing secret santas at work with a $5 limit. Tough.
So I used my creative brain and made some pretty sweet jars. Glittered of course. So not only am I and my table covered in glitter, iPad is too. It's ok, it's pretty.

I bought a 3 pack of jars at Marshall's for $8 and some stickers at Michael's. I have the glitter, glue, paintbrush, and clear coat from previous projects.

This is just pure lazy, but less messy. I squeezed the glue right on the jar after I put the sticker on. I thought about glittering just the letter...but that just wasn't enough. The outline turned out to be pretty sweet.

After spreading the glue around (I just did about 3/4" around the outside of the letter) I sprinkled glitter on and shook off the excess. I let it dry awhile before peeling the sticker off, I was a little worried I'd have a hard time getting it off, if it was completely dry.


And complete!

xo A