Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm an auntie!!!


Leaving for NYC with a connection in Philadelphia :)

Whoooooo!!!! Let's Go State!!

xo A

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

No title

Can I just say, I wish Spring Break was over, and all the snow birds would just go home?! Because I'm going to say it, every day until it happens. Traffic was purely insane not just today but all week. It's 5 o clock, get off the road and go eat supper! Or go to bed. What in the world possesses you to be on the road this time of the day. Run your errands at 11 or 2:00 or even 3:00.

On a brighter note I received many many fun things in the mail today, almost too many fun things, because I am now doomed to receive nothing but junk mail for the next month.

1.) Sweet Sixteen basketball tickets for Madison Square Gardens!!! Sooooo psyched! Sydnie and I fly out Thursday after work!!!

2.) an amazing care package containing fun stationary, an Italian translator book, and fruit roll ups, some of my favorite things!!!

3.) the Italian translator book comes into play because, my PASSPORT arrived!!!! Time to leave the country people and go explore!!

This has been a jam packed week and I just finished packing. Exhausted.
Follow me on Instagram lahrbear21 and follow our hashtag #cyclonesin NYC for pictures and updates from the City :)

love love

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This day is bananas

I'm pretty sure I probably say that a lot, but this day. Scratch that. This week has been crazy.

Friday night we drove up to Orlando to see 3rd round games on Saturday. And stayed at the Swan and Dolphin hotel, which was awesome, and right next to Hollywood Studios and Epcot, so as we were driving in, the fireworks were going off and Syndie and I were screaming like kids. If Chad hadn't realized what he was getting into when we were karaoke-ing in the car, he for sure knew now.  We could walk to the Boardwalk and went to the ESPN Club to watch Iowa State WIN!


We didn't want to buy Gators shirts, so stickers worked instead...







Tower of Terror was literally right outside our hotel


Right before tip off

An outing is not complete without tats...
Our seats were surprisingly good, Florida vs. Pitt and Louisville vs. St. Louis
Chad is a Pitt alum so it was sad they lost, but Syd and I both had Florida winning in our we weren't that sad.



The games were actually quite slow, no one could make a shot and as the man said behind me "well they just have to keep shooting."
This is the crowd with a few minutes left of the Louisville game. Painful.

We came back Saturday night after the games, and on Sunday a group of us girls went to Beauty and the Beast, the musical. It was pretty amazing and after went to the bar for more basketball and for Iowa State to WIN against UNC :) Alisha on the right is a North Carolina alum, sad day for her, but in obviously had ISU moving on to the next round!

xo A

Friday, March 21, 2014


Have you ever went through automatic doors so much that you almost run into real doors?

Yeah, me either.

xo A

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cirque Italia

It has been brought to my attention these posts suck lately (it's ok I said it) I used to be so focused on writing every day or every other that I got to caught up in just writing stupid stuff to make a post. Then I just stopped writing altogether and posted even stupider things. I was just unmotivated. Vicious cycle here people.

So, minus today's sucky post with sucky pictures, no more! (Sighs of relief)

Now that we have an understanding... The show must go on!
But seriously, I went to the circus this weekend and it was pretty phenomenal.  Not your normal "let's ride on elephants" circus, like a mini cirque du solei. Fantastic. Almost the whole time I was sitting there with my mouth open, dumbfounded. I screamed once because I thought the lady was going to fall (she didn't)(but she could have) but people turned and looked. It was one of those moments I wish someone had said "Alyssa close your mouth" (you know like when someone walks by and has an awful looking shirt or horribly fitting pants or tattoos of puzzle pieces all over there head and your mouth drops open) 

Anyway my camera didn't take great pictures because there was a light directly in front of me.

After eating this sno cone I should have known the food was terrible here. This is basically a ice chunk, that I gnawed at the first 10 minutes of the show. Also. What sno cone stand doesn't have grape flavoring? I understand red and blue make purple, but it does not make it taste like grape. Dunce.
The nachos I got were stale. Like bag left open 3 nights in a row stale. I mean I still ate most of them (I was hungry! Ease off) I didn't even try for the cotton candy...

These guys juggled something fierce. Amazing

So this lady is a mermaid, in a net flopping around, and then she "loses" the fin, and magically has legs. Uh hi, Little Mermaid rip-off? Either way she was pretty sweet in the net, just seemed awkward

These two lovely males are when all the mommies woke up in the crowd. Hot.
Absolutely insane.
So afterward all the people came on stage, and we clapped yadda yadda so then they all walked into the first tent or whatever so you could get your picture taken or there autograph,EXCEPT the above two guys. You know they did it on purpose because at some event 3 months ago, moms started lining up to get their picture taken and things got out of control and riots formed and it was a whole ordeal. I mean I'm sure that's what happened..

xo A

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The 3 B's

Google knows me too well, it's scary.

Beauty & the Beast, and basketball

March Madness ladies and gents :)
xo A

Beeeeeeeeach && Shark's Teeth

This weekend some friends came back into town and a group of us met them at Blind Pass Beach, which is North of Fort Myers.

This is supposed to be panoramic. Obvs not possible here though. Beach was GORGEOUS. but freezing

Some of the shark's teeth I found, I mean I thought it was a pretty big deal....

The nifty sand/shell scooper

You'd think we were searching for gold....

Alisha and I...with some seriously sweet tan lines. not.

My end result.

 Mitch && Winnie's
 You can tell they've done this before. Snorkel, mask and everything!

xo A

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Steph's baby shower

The amount of planning that went into this baby shower was bananas.
The amount of decorating that happened, was about a full month (however I did not help with decorations) You're looking at about 5,000 hand cut paper flowers, and handmade paper flowers in vases.

Oh and a 7 tier diaper cake... nbd

  Surprising Momma-to-be
  the happy couple!

There was a group picture taken with all the hosts, but who knows where that is...too much champagne for most ;)

xo A

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Seahorse Dream!

This past Friday I volunteered with some ladies to help at the Seahorse Dream Gala to raise money for the new Golisano Children's Hospital in Fort Myers. Justin, Jaclyn's boyfriend works for the Lee Memorial Hospital for the Foundation and asked us to help out. Throughout the night we greeted, registered guests and were runners at the auction.

At the end of the night we purchased these little baby 7" sea horses :)



These are the 5 foot seahorses that went for auction, anywhere between $500-$10000, it was an awesome fundraiser and in total I believe over $100,000 was raised between the live and silent auctions.

The sea horse corridor :)


So in total there were 40, 5 foot seahorses. Each sea horse had a sponsor. And if that sponsor raised or donated $5000 they got to keep the statue. If not, it was auctioned.
The mermaid was naturally my favorite.
This one was completely made out of shells found on Sanibel/Captiva Island

So many people came out to support the new children's hospital, it was truly amazing to see all of the hard work that has been done. I'm so excited to see the progress of the hospital!

xo A