Thursday, March 6, 2014

Magic Kingdom

(Well I posted these out of order, they took forever to put all the pictures in, but you get the idea)
After the race we headed over to Magic Kingdom for a LONG day of rides and walking. By the end of the day, we all wished we had a pedometer on to see how far we walked (especially after running a 5K)

 Booo crane in the way

Rapunzel's Tower aka TANGLED!

At Mickey's Philharmagic :)

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse

 Pretty much the only character we waited in line for. Stitch was actually kind of scary. Those teeth...

This was the weirdest and creepiest impromptu dance party in the street. All the characters were super creepy and possibly looked high.

 Waiting for the show to start! (We were the only ones without kids I'm pretty sure)(In the 3rd-ish row)

And then our day ended. And we all slept like babies.
xo A

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