Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cirque Italia

It has been brought to my attention these posts suck lately (it's ok I said it) I used to be so focused on writing every day or every other that I got to caught up in just writing stupid stuff to make a post. Then I just stopped writing altogether and posted even stupider things. I was just unmotivated. Vicious cycle here people.

So, minus today's sucky post with sucky pictures, no more! (Sighs of relief)

Now that we have an understanding... The show must go on!
But seriously, I went to the circus this weekend and it was pretty phenomenal.  Not your normal "let's ride on elephants" circus, like a mini cirque du solei. Fantastic. Almost the whole time I was sitting there with my mouth open, dumbfounded. I screamed once because I thought the lady was going to fall (she didn't)(but she could have) but people turned and looked. It was one of those moments I wish someone had said "Alyssa close your mouth" (you know like when someone walks by and has an awful looking shirt or horribly fitting pants or tattoos of puzzle pieces all over there head and your mouth drops open) 

Anyway my camera didn't take great pictures because there was a light directly in front of me.

After eating this sno cone I should have known the food was terrible here. This is basically a ice chunk, that I gnawed at the first 10 minutes of the show. Also. What sno cone stand doesn't have grape flavoring? I understand red and blue make purple, but it does not make it taste like grape. Dunce.
The nachos I got were stale. Like bag left open 3 nights in a row stale. I mean I still ate most of them (I was hungry! Ease off) I didn't even try for the cotton candy...

These guys juggled something fierce. Amazing

So this lady is a mermaid, in a net flopping around, and then she "loses" the fin, and magically has legs. Uh hi, Little Mermaid rip-off? Either way she was pretty sweet in the net, just seemed awkward

These two lovely males are when all the mommies woke up in the crowd. Hot.
Absolutely insane.
So afterward all the people came on stage, and we clapped yadda yadda so then they all walked into the first tent or whatever so you could get your picture taken or there autograph,EXCEPT the above two guys. You know they did it on purpose because at some event 3 months ago, moms started lining up to get their picture taken and things got out of control and riots formed and it was a whole ordeal. I mean I'm sure that's what happened..

xo A

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