Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves

Last weekend I read The Fault in our Stars in one afternoon.
A day at the pool.


I laughed, I cried but more importantly I feel like I learned a lot from the book. Not only did I learn a lot of new words, I kind of took notes. I wrote notes, I googled words, I creased pages in the book to come back to. This isn't the first time I've taken notes in a book, but it's sure been awhile.

More importantly I felt really good after reading this book (minus the tears, and the anger) I felt good after reading this book. Granted that was over a week ago that I finished, after flipping through the book again, it really makes me appreciate things more in life.

I won't give you any spoilers, but this book made me become so attached to the characters. The writing was amazing, and after I post this I'll probably look up other books John Green has written.  I initially only bought this because (it was recommended to me by Amazon) and the movie comes out in 2 weeks, and I really want to see it. I'm so glad I did. It might not be the easiest read, I had to look up quite a few doctor-y terms, but the book does a pretty good job of explaining everything. PLUS there is a question/answer section in the back to help you understand more. I realize more and more books have these, but this is the first book I think I've ever read through them all because I actually had the same questions....

It would be a hamartia for you to not read.

xo A

Ps. Don't read the authors note in the beginning. I mean I did and forgot about it, but it's more fun to make believe.

My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Things I wish... This week

That carts were available half way through the grocery store...or maybe just in the beer aisle

That it was acceptable to have headphones on in the grocery store. I think it would be a much more enjoyable experience if people were sashaying down the aisles. I mean singing "Hold on for one more day" Wilson Phillips in the produce section is awesome, but it would have been cooler if other people were to.

I'm getting new neighbors :) that aren't over 50. Stay tuned.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
xo A

Monday, May 19, 2014


I was going to write a post about how I just finished the best book ever, and it was going to be all heart warming and amazing. And then I dropped my phone after owning it for 6 days and shattered the screen and the buttons don't work.

So this is my life now, and I'm going to go ahead and feel sorry for myself for one full day.

It keeps buzzing. Taunting me. With it's 7 text messages, and a few missed calls, daring me to try one more time to get it to work, and then laugh in my face slowly for being the only person in the world to not have insurance on their phone.

So I'm going to keep doing this for awhile. 
But seriously don't contact me, because if this thing ever does work again and I find out a text came through after I announced to the world I can't use my phone, <post title name>

So now I have one phone that I can't turn off and the alarm is going to still go off in the morning.
Another just in case alarm phone
And the 3rd a gift from a friend to charge so I can use once we return to the Stone Age.
(But for real I might have to use it)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

365 days.

So yesterday, 1 year ago was actually the day I moved to Florida. Scary right? One whole year. I feel like it's pretty symbolic and I've been thinking a lot about what I would write today. A lot of it seemed too sentimental and sappy. So instead, a list of all the things I miss. Which I can totally do now, because I've been here for a year. I've been compiling this list for awhile, and now seemed the perfect time to break it out. So the formatting is probably whack, but, here goes:

My carpool buddies. I miss our morning chats. Discussing life's problems and which restaurants to eat at. Drinking coffee and karaoke. Saying crazy things that made it into the carpool color note and googling things so we could figure out correct facts.
Let's not confuse this with the actual commute though, because the 13 minutes I have now, is great. Minus all the morning talk shows.

Touchtunes. And playing Who Let the Dogs Out back to back

People knowing that Iowa doesn't grow potatoes

Spur of the moment plans with friends back home.
Hey, we're putting in countertops today, wanna drink wine with me and watch?
Hi you should come visit me. Ok I'll be there for lunch. Oh, um I'm at work now, how about supper? Deal.
Hey grab your broom and tennis shoes, we're playing broom ball on the ice today.
Now everything has to be planned out way ahead of time. Which don't get me wrong I love planning things, but my luck with airports and flights and people in airports doesn't have a great track record.

Eno Vino.
-The cute waiter that would turn the boring news station to ISU basketball and tried to act cool when he couldn't find the station but he kept flipping past it and I never said anything.
-How your could order about 3 things and not be a fattie.
-Happy hour wines were $2 off and above said cute waiter would let you buy another 1 minute before it ended but not pour it until you were finished so you didn't look like an alcoholic
-ALL the appetizers were good


Being in Central time zone.
-TV shows are on sooo much later now.
-Sometimes I feel like I'm really far away
-A lot of people forget (me included) what time it is

Happy Joes Taco Pizza

Fall temperature
-not to be confused with freezing cold, just cooler weather so you think it's Fall
-leaves changing

This little bugger

See I told you this was written awhile ago...look at this little man!

It's been a great year, I'm so much looking forward to the next one, I have so many things to accomplish on my to-do list, that will hopefully shrink my "things I miss" list

xo A

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Curiosity only killed those in scary movies

If there is one thing I love, it's asking questions. Way too many questions one might say. But nonetheless asking questions is the only way to get answers and it usually make people uncomfortable which is an added bonus.

Today I went to the Ford dealer after work to check out the tires they had.
Within 5 minutes I knew Justin and I were going to be BFF's

I learned:
Where to check the tire size on the tire...because who actually knew it was there (I actually had no idea)
His work schedule and that he works long hours
That he has a dog and a love bird
That dog is one year old (I saw a picture)
He does not make it home at lunch to let the dog out, but he has a girlfriend that does (aww)
The bird talks and sings
He rarely eats lunch
he never works out because he is not motivated
You should have your tires rotated every time you get your oil changed (but most likely every other)

What he knows about me:
I drive a G6
I worked out before I came there
I'm looking for tires

Keep the ball in your court people.

Then he actually showed me the tire report... Bad idea man. There's so much info on those!
What does the speed rating stand for?
Doesn't the type of car determine the speed?
Why are they rated by letter?
Who spends $300 on one tire?
What's tire insurance?
You don't include the tire alignment?! Isn't that required? (It's not, only optional)
What if I put the tires on myself?
Can I keep my old tires?
What's Meet or Beat mean? (If you find tires somewhere else cheaper, they will beat the price by $1)
What's the $120 rebate about?
I have the buy 4 oil changes get 1 free is that like the same thing?

Then. As we knew all the question asking was going to get me somewhere. He directed me to Tirerack.com to find the cheapest tires, then I could print them out, and bring it in and he'd give me the same price.

Sometimes you just need to be obnoxious to get what you want (similar to a child) who just said that?!

So now I'm only debating on the extra $20 per tire for the insurance. They will replace the tires if anything happens to them for the warranty of the tire, (nails etc.) plus free lifetime rotations "LIFETIME?!" Well lifetime that you have the tires. "Oh"

So I think I might stare at these some more so I don't have to go through any more fear landscapes...



Monday, May 12, 2014


Yesterday I did something I've never done before.

I went to a movie all by myself. And let me tell you. It. Was. Awesome.

I always thought I would be embarrassed going to a movie by myself, that every one in line would be talking about me...lame. They aren't. They're to busy deciding what snacks to get and if they should share, or how they're going to tell the Box Office lady, they aren't going to donate money to whatever charity is on the board.

You don't have to worry about anyone else liking the snacks you buy. You can legit take up 3 seats because no one is on either side of you. You don't have to talk to anyone or laugh at jokes you don't think are funny (or don't understand). Your hands don't get sweaty. And if something is sad, you don't have to pretend that you're not crying.

Long story short, this may become a new hobby of mine. Divergent was awesome. Shailine Woodley. Congrats, awesome job, you did so much better than the whole world thought you could. Theo James. Where have you been my whole life?

Read the book, watch the movie. Insurgent (2nd movie) comes out next year.

However, I will say I slept awful last night. I could not get through my fear landscape (serious, read the book) and actually woke up screaming once. Only slightly traumatic. So off to bed for me. 
Easy. I'm in a different time zone so it's ok.

xo A

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Disney round 2

So Disney was amazing.
I had a day left on my Disney 3-day pass and a group of us (although it only looks like 3 of us) went to Epcot for the Flower and Garden Festival

 We took a boat through "Livin' with the Land" It shows the evolution of the land and how at Disney they are trying to improve the way they grow things. It also features a restaurant where most of the food comes from the greenhouses.

 A 9 pound lemon tree. Who knew?

 A lot of the produce was either hanging, or hydroponic so it took up a lot less space and could pretty much be grown anywhere.

  Hanging Melons!

Brussel Sprouts

Magnolia Tree

Meeting Mary Poppins was my absolute favorite. The progression of these photos I think is hysterical. None of us knew what to do with our hands. It was bizarre.
"So did you fly in on an umbrella?"

Oh so enjoyable
xo A

Friday, May 2, 2014

Be amazing.

Happy Friday.

I saw this on Pintrest, because I sometimes need to be reminded. All it took was a sheet of stickers.


If nothing else, it makes me smile every morning as I walk out the door.

xo A

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Alyssa had something to do with it, she's always up to no good.

I found something really cool yesterday. (Ok someone showed it to me) Teenage Dirtbag Radio on Pandora. Hello High School, I’ve missed your music.

I’ve had some really good chats lately with lots of friends. On life, on lovers, on careers, pizza toppings, babies, the list continues… I love going home because it’s “talk as much as possible about as much as possible” in the short time I’m home. Talking with so many people when I'm home really makes me appreciate that I made a good choice moving here. I feel like I’m still as close to my friends && family and they understand why I moved and that I'll need to be here more than 2 years [sorry E].

Things you 'plan' change everyday. My 'plan' has changed more than I can count on 2 hands. Recently I vocalized what [I thought] my 'plan' was, and it wasn't really what I wanted. It's what I thought I wanted. And it wasn't realistic.

So with a shiny coat of nail polish and wine glass in hand, I have unofficially, officially thrown my semi half-ass 'plan' out the window.

But. These things I do know.
1.) snakes still scare the shit out of me, so they are not officially leaving the 'plan', as in, I cannot live in fear of snakes around every corner, forever
2.) DVD's will never be obsolete. I will never give mine up.
3.) everything I do, is because I want to. because I want to.

Follow your dreams.
xo A