Monday, May 12, 2014


Yesterday I did something I've never done before.

I went to a movie all by myself. And let me tell you. It. Was. Awesome.

I always thought I would be embarrassed going to a movie by myself, that every one in line would be talking about me...lame. They aren't. They're to busy deciding what snacks to get and if they should share, or how they're going to tell the Box Office lady, they aren't going to donate money to whatever charity is on the board.

You don't have to worry about anyone else liking the snacks you buy. You can legit take up 3 seats because no one is on either side of you. You don't have to talk to anyone or laugh at jokes you don't think are funny (or don't understand). Your hands don't get sweaty. And if something is sad, you don't have to pretend that you're not crying.

Long story short, this may become a new hobby of mine. Divergent was awesome. Shailine Woodley. Congrats, awesome job, you did so much better than the whole world thought you could. Theo James. Where have you been my whole life?

Read the book, watch the movie. Insurgent (2nd movie) comes out next year.

However, I will say I slept awful last night. I could not get through my fear landscape (serious, read the book) and actually woke up screaming once. Only slightly traumatic. So off to bed for me. 
Easy. I'm in a different time zone so it's ok.

xo A

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