Friday, August 30, 2013

Writing comments

So I've had quite a few complaints about how hard it is to leave comments (ok two complaints) and I was scrolling through settings today and figured out that I actually control that, hah! who knew?

I've updated it so, anyone who is anyone can leave a comment. This seems dangerous. But we'll see how it goes.

A co-worker sent this to me earlier in the week. It's still fitting for today though. It's just been a sassy kind week.

Have a safe and happy Labor Day!!

xo A

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What's in my purse?

I've been noticing in a lot of magazines that people do this thing called "what's in my purse?" Usually fashion editors and what their "must-haves" are.

After doing this I realize I actually just need to not keep so much junk. But here goes.


I mean you've got the normal things. Wallet, keys, work ID badge, stamps, pen and money.

Snacks are a must
Movie tickets 
A losing scratch ticket
Grocery lists
Receipt from rang
Wine cork
And a pog "someone loves you more than anything in the world"

Moral of the story. Time to clean.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An ode to my Lands' End tote and other random learnings

Last week my thermos.

This week my beloved Lands' End tote.

When will it end?! (I can already hear my dad saying "Alyssaaa take better care of your things" you know, in the dad voice that makes you snap back "ughhh I know daaaaad!")

This time it was not my fault. (And by it wasn't my fault I mean it was not, completely my fault...) I went to the beach Saturday and brought my zippered lunch bag cooler with ice and adult beverages and stowed it in my tote along with my other beach things. Apparently when I got home I never unpacked it and the cooler leaks causing water to sit in the bottom of the bag. Well everyone knows when water sits it evaporates but eventually molds if there is enough water (and I love ice...)

Exhibit A - yes it's mold I swear

And let's be real. She's 3 years old. I carried this tote to work almost every day for 3 years.
It held my lunch, gym clothes, groceries, supper ingredients, overnight bag, drinks, used as a cooler, drug through the sand, beach bag and basically anything else you can imagine.

I didn't want to part with her so like any normal human being, I threw it in the washing machine (even though it says not too) I figured it wouldn't hurt. And it didn't hurt. But it didn't help.


So now on top of the mold, it's a wrinkled mess. So lessons I've learned this week.
1.) mold does not simply wash out

2.) indeed I cannot fix my bathroom sink stopper. Christopher, unfortunately you were right. However I'd like to see the guy that comes to fix it not have problems either. Stupid rusted nuts.


3.) my range membership ended yesterday, so I went in one last time.  I'm decent, however you'll notice some strays, so in a zombie apocalypse, you'll want me on your side only if the zombies aren't walking.... (I just finished season 3 of the Walking Dead this weekend)



4.) flowers will always put a smile on your face. Even if they're in a beer glass because you can't find a vase.


5.) the entire country of China spans 5 time zones, but is all on the same time. 

6.) India's time is a half hour off because they span 2 time zones, and to make it more even, they went halfway in between.

Learn something new everyday.

Ps. I think I'm going to upgrade to the long handled version of the tote :)

xo A

Monday, August 26, 2013

The most alarming words.


Oh student loans. You may actually be the death of me someday. Not to worry friends, this will not be a pity party for Alyssa. Just want to share the shocking news I uncovered today.

Student loan interest rate = 6.8%
Car loan is something like 2% so obviously I'm not worrying about getting ahead with this one.

The big bold letters screaming at me in my statement today are good and bad news.
Good = Yay Alyssa, you're ahead on your payments that you have a $0 balance, and are continuing to make payments so 5 years from now your payments aren't $600.
Bad = I am constantly being notified that I am still accruing interest

And today I did something bad.
Real bad.
I looked up how much I'm accruing. Daily. It's possible my heart stopped beating for a minute (ok maybe like 10 seconds, a full minute would be unheard of) (Ok I actually just googled it, and you can live 4-6 minutes after your heart stops beating, so, maybe not that unheard of)

Anyway I calculated how much interest I'm accruing daily (it obviously gets lower when I make a payment but not too terribly much)

That looks pretty anti-climactic, but that's basically a Starbucks everyday, that I never get to drink. Like someone made you a Mocha frappaccino and then dumped it down the sink in front of your face. Wasting it all. (yup no whipped cream either)

The moral of the story?

There isn't one. 

xo A

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sex and the City

Cape Coral style.

Sex and the City is one of those shows you can watch over and over and over and you'll probably never see the same episode. And then they came out with the movie. Epic.

Second movie? Not epic.

I own it. It was one of those I bought before I saw it, which I never do. And now I own one of the worst movies ever made.

Anyway. Today I went to a friends house and we attempted to recreate the scene where Carrie has to get rid of her clothes to downsize for the new apartment.

We did not have a cute Asian baby or champagne. But Jaclyn and I did make signs...and added a "take" as in, "I want it, let me TAKE it" :) a very enjoyable evening. Thanks Kat!!


xo A

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Here I am!

Rock you like a Hurricane.

SOMEONE has been on my tail about preparing for hurricanes. So I'm finally doing it. Especially because we've been in an Elevated warning...ever since I arrived in Florida.

Awhile back at work they had a Hurricane Seminar, where insurance people, Lee county people and Red Cross came to talk and they had all these other vendors with pamphlets on stuff you need to know about hurricanes and how to prepare.

I figured out my "Hurricane Evacuation Zone" (the Navy star in the middle) Zone C so that means I have 19-20 hours to evacuate.  Basically a full day to gather all the below crap and put it in my car. Easy enough.

This is a list of all the things I'm supposed to have.

Creating a Disaster Supply Kit 
Water - at least 1 gallon daily per person for 3 to 7 days
 Food - at least enough for 3 to 7 days
— non-perishable packaged or canned food / juices
— snack foods
— non-electric can opener
— cooking tools / fuel
— paper plates / plastic utensils
Blankets / Pillows, etc.
- seasonal / rain gear / sturdy shoes
First Aid Kit / Medicines / Prescription Drugs
Toiletries / Hygiene items / Moisture wipes
Flashlight / Batteries
Radio - Battery operated and NOAA weather radio
Cash (with some small bills) - Banks and ATMs may not be open or available for extended periods
Toys, Books and Games
Important documents - in a waterproof container or water tight sealable plastic bag; insurance documents, medical records, bank account numbers, Social Security card, etc.
Tools - keep a set with you during the storm
Vehicle fuel tanks filled

I removed some things because I do not have a pet, baby or elderly person living with me.
I also created a "Hey dummy don't forget..." list, because obviously I'm not packing my important documents, keys and tools right now.


Let's be real this isn't going to hold me for 7 days. 3 days? Sure. I need more water and granola bars and other canned things I suppose. I'm pretty excited to open my flashlight, I've already used the one you plug into the wall to try and fix the sink....But that's a whole different story.

I'm also signing up for all the Lee County Emergency notifications:
①Twitter @LeeEOC & @LCEMFL
②Text Alerts for "Breaking News"
③Code Red text/phone calls for "emergencies or critical protective actions required to safeguard life and property"
④And downloading the Code Red app - it's geo-aware and knows where I am so will only send alerts that pertain to me

I'm not sure I could BE any more prepared. Stone, does this meet your approval?
Oh I suppose Renter's Insurance would be a good thing to have...

xo A

I'm actually more excited for when December comes (if we haven't had a hurricane) and I get to eat all this :)
oooooook I just looked at expirations, most everything is next year but I'm surprised to see 2015 for the applesauce. The tuna? 2017!! It could be an artifact by then. Siiiiiiick. 
And I got the kind in vegetable oil. Gross. 
Fudgemuffins. I might need to rethink this food thing.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

8 of the worst things for you to eat. And why I still eat all of them.

First of all. I hate lists like this.  Does really think that after reading this I'm going to quit eating the below said things? Maybe. Or maybe its a ploy to get people to buy more of the below things to see if it actually kills. Meh probably neither. I digress.

1. Microwave Popcorn.
Workers in microwave popcorn factories have actually developed an extremely rare form of lung cancer from inhaling fumes. If that isn’t enough of a reason to avoid the stuff, here’s another: the lining of the bags contains perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a substance that has been linked to several other forms of cancer and infertility. Plus, so many microwave popcorns are loaded with bad fats and sodium. Homemade air-popped popcorn can actually be a health food, believe it or not, so stick to that for your next movie night.
I was super super ready to bust out laughing about this one, but apparently it's true. The technical name for it is Popcorn Lung. I mean it's not super funny...but maybe next time you'll think before shoving your face over a bag of popcorn as it comes out of the microwave. I mean I know I'll think about it, and then think how it might be a pretty funny story if I contracted Popcorn Lung. In most cases workers were "subjected" to butter smell for at least 8 months, so unless you are going to make popcorn for the next 8 months straight. Probably fine. 

2. Non-Organic Apples.
Last year, apples won the dubious honor of being the most pesticide-laden produce. Because they aren’t very resistant to pests, apples tend to get sprayed more. They’re also treated with pesticides to extend their shelf life.  If you’re an apple lover, always, always, always buy organic — or don’t buy ‘em at all. Your body will thank you!
Ok Jaclyn, this ones for you. Agreed if you're eating the outside skin of a fruit/vegetable you should for sure wash it, at least rub it off on your shirt. I still don't buy into the whole organic thing though...I mean just the other day for breakfast I ate raspberries and *gasp* didn't wash them. I think someone sneezing on the tomatoes at the store is enough to gross me out to at least pretend I'm not grabbing the one with a toddler's snot on it.
3. Soda.
Several studies have directly linked soda consumption to higher instances of cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, obesity — you name it. Diet soda isn’t off the hook, either
Booo don't drink 5 sodas in one day. Solved.

4. Chips.
Many brands of chips contain unimaginable amounts of sodium and fat — one bag can often be more than a day’s worth. But it’s not just the nutritional concerns to think about here — chips also contain acrylamide, a chemical that comes with an increased risk of several forms of cancer and infertility. You can also find the scary stuff in french fries.
Asparagine is an amino acid (a building block of proteins) that is found in many vegetables, with higher concentrations in some varieties of potatoes. When heated to high temperatures in the presence of certain sugars, asparagine can form acrylamide. High-temperature cooking methods, such as frying, baking, or broiling, have been found to produce acrylamide while boiling and microwaving appear less likely to do so. Longer cooking times can also increase acrylamide production when the cooking temperature is above 120 degrees Celsius. What we learn? Microwave your chips first, or don't eat the whole bag.

5. Canned Tomatoes.
Aside from being far less delicious than the real, fresh, thing, canned tomatoes have the added “perk” of bisphenol-A (BPA) on their cans’ lining. This is the stuff nightmares are made of: BPA has been linked to fetal abnormalities, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and even cancer. It’s been banned for use in baby bottles, and overall bans are being considered nationwide. You can get up to 50 mcg of the stuff from canned tomatoes; the acidity makes them more difficult to package than most products, so a safe alternative has been difficult to find. Your best bet, though, is to avoid them all together. Stick to fresh tomatoes or, if need be, tomatoes packaged in glass jars.
Sighhh Moderation people. Put down the spoon, set down the can of tomatoes and mix it up a bit.

6. Non-Organic Celery.
Celery is the dirtiest of all vegetables — the Environmental Working Group has founded dozens upon dozens of different pesticides on the non-organic stuff.  As with apples, go organic or don’t go at all.

7. Milk with Artificial Hormones.
Many farmers give their cows artificial hormones so they will produce more milk — good for their bottom line, not so good for our health. These hormones lead to higher rates of another hormone, IGF-1, which is thought to increase instances of cancer in humans. Look for milk that is certified organic, or labelled with either rBGH-free or BST-free.

Milk naturally has hormones in it. And hormones increases milk production, and the FDA says it's safe. Farmers are just trying to feed our ever growing population. Oh you're worried kids are developing too quickly? Must have skipped me, I've been drinking milk all my life and haven't noticed much new "development" 
Stop having kids or stop complaining.

8. Margarine.
If margarine didn’t have any food dye in it, it’d be a delightful shade of gray. If that isn’t evidence enough, what is?!  Though margarine is often thought of as a healthier version of butter (there’s no cholesterol, right?) it’s also a wonderfully terrible source of trans fats — stuff that does, indeed, raise your cholesterol. Here’s your excuse to go back to the real stuff — or, of course, olive oil!
Stop eating sticks of butter!! Who are you people?

I'm sure you think I'm being insensitive to the fact that people are probably dying from Popcorn Lung. Don't get me wrong, I care, a little bit. You chose those things for yourself, just the way I choose to not wash my tomatoes and raspberries before I eat them, or that I hover over the popcorn bag until my glasses fog up, or that I eat sticks of margarine for snacks. I chose them. Not you. So don't judge me.

xo A

ps. I don't actually eat sticks of margarine, I choose butter ;)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

R. I. P.

Today we say goodbye to an old friend.

Kept my drinks hot on cold tailgating mornings. And by drinks I mean hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps.

And more recently kept my sweet tea and water, ice cold in the Florida heat (once I finally washed out the mint taste)

This morning I filled it with ice and water and headed to the pool like a normal Sunday. Not knowing it would be the last time I would use my thermos. 

<pause for dramatic effect>

I should have saw it coming. I put in too much ice for the amount of water I used, and there was a huge ice chunk, so I turned it upside down and heard the fatal crash of breaking glass. And I knew it was over.

The lid has a sticker on it that says you should read the care and use instructions...apparently I never did. I suppose it's my fault it broke, all the care instructions were pointing to me failing.


Your Thermos® brand glass vacuumware is designed for safe use. With all vacuumware products certain safeguards must be followed to prevent glass breakage. Glass vacuumware breakage can be accompanied by a loud noise and can cause glass and beverage to eject forcefully.


Glass breakage can cause burns or cuts to eyes, face and hands.

  • Preheat or pre-chill before use to avoid sudden temperature change.
  • Periodically tighten base to prevent from coming off.
  • DO NOT put hands, ice, cleaning tools or other objects into glass vacuumware (food jars have protective plastic liner). Anything other than liquid can cause glass breakage
  • DO NOT drink directly from bottle.
  • DO NOT immerse in water. Liquids can become trapped in base of glass vacuumware.

Time to find a new thermos...

xo A

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My list of 24

I found this list on Buzzfeed, (which is a website ) I look at every other day, or any day I need to laugh, they've got some great "photo lists" This one really made me think. And I think I can accomplish most of them.

24 things to do before you turn 30

1. spontaneously cut off your hair. All of it
2. take up some kind of spirituality practice
3. become friends with your parents again

4. say hi to a large tortoise
hmmm does a manatee count?

5. go hard for 24 hours straight in vegas
6. go all in on a first date
...we'll know more shortly

7. catch a huge fish (so you can brag about it forever)
8. go for a long road trip with people you love
check. Lake of the Ozarks 2012


9. learn how to cook one fancy dish
10. find something you’re really good at
check. procrastinating, I'm really good at it

11. move to a new city
check. New York, Madison, Fort Myers

12. pee in every ocean
Gulf of Mexico. check. sigh ok, not an ocean.

13. give one great speech at a friend’s wedding
check. Nick & Joni, May 2008 - I mean, I've heard it was good, I don't remember much of it

14. start a collection
check. seashells

15. light some fireworks in your hometown baseball field
16. go sailing

17. make friends with people at the bar for one night
check. when I was stuck at RSW waiting to fly home

18. learn a foreign language
check. Gracias Senor Meshak

19. or take a spontaneous trip
20. stop dressing like you’re still in high school
half check. I know I still own things from HS

21. yell at a sports game
check. check. check.

22. get a tattoo about something random
23. let go of your expectations
24. stop doing things for the photos and start doing it for the memories

I've learned that I need to:
learn how to format pictures...yikes!
become comfortable with lighters (meaning be able to hold one long enough without burning myself) that I can light fireworks
get drunk and cut my hair
get a tattoo after getting said drunk
start traveling and peeing everywhere
less photos more memories

So my goal is complete one a month, and I'll be done LONG before 30...
Welllllll lets change the last one to same photos, less phone, more memories :)

xo A

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Happy Wednesday lovers.

May you all find the one who you leave the door unlocked for.

xo A 

this gave me goosebumps even as I type this.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!

Go rent Despicable Me.

Right now.

If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. I laughed so hard, but also cried. Great kids movie, but a great adult movie, even better family movie. It's one of those that may be in the rankings for favorite, along with all my dinosaur VHS tapes...

Click it. You won't be sorry.

xo A

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Wine racks, that is.

This little beauty was built last Christmas. If you're thinking this is a step by step. Turn around. No one knows how this was made, and dad and I agreed we would never make it again. But it turned out so pretty (4 hours, 6 months, 2 coats of stain and MANY bottles of wine later)(but maybe needs a clear coat?) that I wanted to show her off.

First and foremost. Lets be real. I didn't do much of this project. I measured, cut a few things, remeasured and recut things, but most of the assembly was all done by my dad. (So when I say things like "we built" "we cut" really means dad did it. I did go get drinks a few times, which I think was extremely helpful, no one wants to be dehydrated running a saw....or a drill for that matter


Everything was drawn out, all the pieces were cut, this nifty tool (a jig) was used so there aren't outside screws, we put it all together then took it half apart because we thought it would be fun, i mean actually it was a design aesthetic, and re put it together.


So for the first 6 months of her life she remained untouched (in that it was not painted/stained) when I had a week off from LE, I decided to stain it, since I'd bought it already (and apparently the movers don't pack anything flammable) and I mean I really had nothing better to do than watch The Price is Right and pack.

I used cherry stain. And boy was this project a pain in the patoot! So many corners.


I will not be giving advice on how to stain things. I will however tell you how NOT to stain something.
1. Do not, mid stain, text someone asking how to stain.
2. Do not leave the stain on, you MUST wipe it off. Especially the crevices! Or the get goopy.
3. Wear gloves!!! 


My hands were brown for at least a day and the cuts were stained for a little more..

Something terrible horrible happened when I was moving her from the lawn, the top came off! I went mental in the yard. But soon calmed myself down as it was probably my fault because it was attached at a weird angle. Naturally I called Shane who owns every drill accessory under the sun, who had a longer drill attachment that worked.


So the real whole point of this was....that I stocked her today :)
Reds, whites, and some moscato. All Trader Joes (but not all the cheap ones!)


So on accident I thought I had 12 spaces, and bought 10, so I should probably open one now so they all fit...

xo A

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Boats && Hoes

I love the movie Stepbrothers, so today when we got on this baby,


I immediately was imagining the boat scene Boats & Hoes and naturally singing "Aww shit, get your towels ready, it's about to go down.....I'm on a boat MF don't you ever forget, I got my swim trunks, and my flippy floppies."


It was beautiful on the water, but halfway through the wind stopped and it got really hot. One thing I learned, not all sailboats are like Seth Cohen's on the OC, ours had a motor so we didn't have to worry about getting stranded. Who knew?


xo A

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

One of my worst fears


But Alyssa you live in Florida now. Well yes but it's not like they're crawling around the sidewalks.

Against my better judgement I watched the news last night. This was the first story.

Awful. Terrible. I had my eyes shut or my hand over half the tv for most of it.
Next story is of a police officer that was gunned down in Port Charlotte.
A young boy was bitten by "a shark" on Sanibel island (it was really a sharp teethed fish)

I switch to Walking Dead. Bad idea.

A dog starts barking uncontrollably. Just all my worst fears rolled into one night. Think I'm done with the news for awhile

The actual reason for this post, if I (knock on wood) get eaten in my sleep my a snake, or any type of animal.
Your first mission is hunt down that thing. Leave me be, I'll be fine. If it is a snake, first you need to Neville Longbottom it
(Harry Potter, look it up) then cross section it and fry it on the asphalt parking lot so the rest of the animals know you mean business.

xo A

Monday, August 5, 2013

Started my Christmas list early...

First and foremost.
A huge thanks goes out to Lauren for finding this amazing piece of footwear in this post. I mean obviously she's a Seminole, so I'd be getting these beauties.

Check her out here, and I promise you won't be disappointed :)

Now back to tailgating. I'm used to jeans and a t-shirt, but things are different in Florida I hear. People literally get dressed up to get messed up (Thank you Luke Rauen for some amazing Homecoming shirts). I think these boots are a new necessity in my wardrobe. And probably some new ISU themed dresses and tees...

xo A
Ps. I accept all types of gifts ;)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Walking Dead

I've become addicted to the Walking Dead. I'm catching up pretty quick due to some thunderstorms and today was super hotttt. And the fact that season 1 is six episodes. Season 4 airs in October I believe so I have plenty of time.

Kinda creeps me out at night, and makes me realize I'd probably be one of the first to go if zombies attacked. The only thing I have is a hammer and if I have to get that close to use it, I'm probably a goner. 

I have a semi problem when it come to catching up on tv shows. I watch them so fast I usually forget what order things happen in and what are major things and even just forgetting things happen at all. Happened with Gosspi Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Weeds, Pretty Little Liars, Dexter...almost any show I try to watch mor Ethan one season on Netflix. It a dangerous game..

xo A

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Today a bunch of us went to Siesta Key Beach for Kat's birthday!



We packed up a little early because a storm was rolling in and headed over to the Daiquiri Deck for some drinks and a late lunch. Miraculously with 11 people, we all ordered different food and it was all really good!

I ordered an Original oyster shooter. I had heard about them before and wanted to try one. This one was an oyster, chilled vodka, and Bloody Mary mix.




Did you just swallow that?!
*face* It was actually pretty good.
Jaclyn - I feel like that's a typical Alyssa response. "eh, it was pretty good"

xo A


Friday, August 2, 2013

Rain rain go away

When it rains it pours. Literally the past 2 days leaving work I've gotten soaked.

Time to invest in some Rain-X

xo A