Sunday, August 11, 2013


Wine racks, that is.

This little beauty was built last Christmas. If you're thinking this is a step by step. Turn around. No one knows how this was made, and dad and I agreed we would never make it again. But it turned out so pretty (4 hours, 6 months, 2 coats of stain and MANY bottles of wine later)(but maybe needs a clear coat?) that I wanted to show her off.

First and foremost. Lets be real. I didn't do much of this project. I measured, cut a few things, remeasured and recut things, but most of the assembly was all done by my dad. (So when I say things like "we built" "we cut" really means dad did it. I did go get drinks a few times, which I think was extremely helpful, no one wants to be dehydrated running a saw....or a drill for that matter


Everything was drawn out, all the pieces were cut, this nifty tool (a jig) was used so there aren't outside screws, we put it all together then took it half apart because we thought it would be fun, i mean actually it was a design aesthetic, and re put it together.


So for the first 6 months of her life she remained untouched (in that it was not painted/stained) when I had a week off from LE, I decided to stain it, since I'd bought it already (and apparently the movers don't pack anything flammable) and I mean I really had nothing better to do than watch The Price is Right and pack.

I used cherry stain. And boy was this project a pain in the patoot! So many corners.


I will not be giving advice on how to stain things. I will however tell you how NOT to stain something.
1. Do not, mid stain, text someone asking how to stain.
2. Do not leave the stain on, you MUST wipe it off. Especially the crevices! Or the get goopy.
3. Wear gloves!!! 


My hands were brown for at least a day and the cuts were stained for a little more..

Something terrible horrible happened when I was moving her from the lawn, the top came off! I went mental in the yard. But soon calmed myself down as it was probably my fault because it was attached at a weird angle. Naturally I called Shane who owns every drill accessory under the sun, who had a longer drill attachment that worked.


So the real whole point of this was....that I stocked her today :)
Reds, whites, and some moscato. All Trader Joes (but not all the cheap ones!)


So on accident I thought I had 12 spaces, and bought 10, so I should probably open one now so they all fit...

xo A

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