Wednesday, August 21, 2013

8 of the worst things for you to eat. And why I still eat all of them.

First of all. I hate lists like this.  Does really think that after reading this I'm going to quit eating the below said things? Maybe. Or maybe its a ploy to get people to buy more of the below things to see if it actually kills. Meh probably neither. I digress.

1. Microwave Popcorn.
Workers in microwave popcorn factories have actually developed an extremely rare form of lung cancer from inhaling fumes. If that isn’t enough of a reason to avoid the stuff, here’s another: the lining of the bags contains perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a substance that has been linked to several other forms of cancer and infertility. Plus, so many microwave popcorns are loaded with bad fats and sodium. Homemade air-popped popcorn can actually be a health food, believe it or not, so stick to that for your next movie night.
I was super super ready to bust out laughing about this one, but apparently it's true. The technical name for it is Popcorn Lung. I mean it's not super funny...but maybe next time you'll think before shoving your face over a bag of popcorn as it comes out of the microwave. I mean I know I'll think about it, and then think how it might be a pretty funny story if I contracted Popcorn Lung. In most cases workers were "subjected" to butter smell for at least 8 months, so unless you are going to make popcorn for the next 8 months straight. Probably fine. 

2. Non-Organic Apples.
Last year, apples won the dubious honor of being the most pesticide-laden produce. Because they aren’t very resistant to pests, apples tend to get sprayed more. They’re also treated with pesticides to extend their shelf life.  If you’re an apple lover, always, always, always buy organic — or don’t buy ‘em at all. Your body will thank you!
Ok Jaclyn, this ones for you. Agreed if you're eating the outside skin of a fruit/vegetable you should for sure wash it, at least rub it off on your shirt. I still don't buy into the whole organic thing though...I mean just the other day for breakfast I ate raspberries and *gasp* didn't wash them. I think someone sneezing on the tomatoes at the store is enough to gross me out to at least pretend I'm not grabbing the one with a toddler's snot on it.
3. Soda.
Several studies have directly linked soda consumption to higher instances of cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, obesity — you name it. Diet soda isn’t off the hook, either
Booo don't drink 5 sodas in one day. Solved.

4. Chips.
Many brands of chips contain unimaginable amounts of sodium and fat — one bag can often be more than a day’s worth. But it’s not just the nutritional concerns to think about here — chips also contain acrylamide, a chemical that comes with an increased risk of several forms of cancer and infertility. You can also find the scary stuff in french fries.
Asparagine is an amino acid (a building block of proteins) that is found in many vegetables, with higher concentrations in some varieties of potatoes. When heated to high temperatures in the presence of certain sugars, asparagine can form acrylamide. High-temperature cooking methods, such as frying, baking, or broiling, have been found to produce acrylamide while boiling and microwaving appear less likely to do so. Longer cooking times can also increase acrylamide production when the cooking temperature is above 120 degrees Celsius. What we learn? Microwave your chips first, or don't eat the whole bag.

5. Canned Tomatoes.
Aside from being far less delicious than the real, fresh, thing, canned tomatoes have the added “perk” of bisphenol-A (BPA) on their cans’ lining. This is the stuff nightmares are made of: BPA has been linked to fetal abnormalities, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and even cancer. It’s been banned for use in baby bottles, and overall bans are being considered nationwide. You can get up to 50 mcg of the stuff from canned tomatoes; the acidity makes them more difficult to package than most products, so a safe alternative has been difficult to find. Your best bet, though, is to avoid them all together. Stick to fresh tomatoes or, if need be, tomatoes packaged in glass jars.
Sighhh Moderation people. Put down the spoon, set down the can of tomatoes and mix it up a bit.

6. Non-Organic Celery.
Celery is the dirtiest of all vegetables — the Environmental Working Group has founded dozens upon dozens of different pesticides on the non-organic stuff.  As with apples, go organic or don’t go at all.

7. Milk with Artificial Hormones.
Many farmers give their cows artificial hormones so they will produce more milk — good for their bottom line, not so good for our health. These hormones lead to higher rates of another hormone, IGF-1, which is thought to increase instances of cancer in humans. Look for milk that is certified organic, or labelled with either rBGH-free or BST-free.

Milk naturally has hormones in it. And hormones increases milk production, and the FDA says it's safe. Farmers are just trying to feed our ever growing population. Oh you're worried kids are developing too quickly? Must have skipped me, I've been drinking milk all my life and haven't noticed much new "development" 
Stop having kids or stop complaining.

8. Margarine.
If margarine didn’t have any food dye in it, it’d be a delightful shade of gray. If that isn’t evidence enough, what is?!  Though margarine is often thought of as a healthier version of butter (there’s no cholesterol, right?) it’s also a wonderfully terrible source of trans fats — stuff that does, indeed, raise your cholesterol. Here’s your excuse to go back to the real stuff — or, of course, olive oil!
Stop eating sticks of butter!! Who are you people?

I'm sure you think I'm being insensitive to the fact that people are probably dying from Popcorn Lung. Don't get me wrong, I care, a little bit. You chose those things for yourself, just the way I choose to not wash my tomatoes and raspberries before I eat them, or that I hover over the popcorn bag until my glasses fog up, or that I eat sticks of margarine for snacks. I chose them. Not you. So don't judge me.

xo A

ps. I don't actually eat sticks of margarine, I choose butter ;)

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