Sunday, August 4, 2013

Walking Dead

I've become addicted to the Walking Dead. I'm catching up pretty quick due to some thunderstorms and today was super hotttt. And the fact that season 1 is six episodes. Season 4 airs in October I believe so I have plenty of time.

Kinda creeps me out at night, and makes me realize I'd probably be one of the first to go if zombies attacked. The only thing I have is a hammer and if I have to get that close to use it, I'm probably a goner. 

I have a semi problem when it come to catching up on tv shows. I watch them so fast I usually forget what order things happen in and what are major things and even just forgetting things happen at all. Happened with Gosspi Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Weeds, Pretty Little Liars, Dexter...almost any show I try to watch mor Ethan one season on Netflix. It a dangerous game..

xo A

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