Monday, September 30, 2013

You know that saying....

"Dang that girl is batshit crazy!"

I'm pallet crazy.

This is one of the best projects I've ever completed (mainly on my own) and am In. Love. With.

Pallet furniture has been a huge craze all over Pinterest lately, but I saw this and knew immediately it was the perfect thing for the kitchen above the cabinets.

Family dinner a few nights ago Kat's, Justin (I say Kat's, because there are 3 Justin's) said he had some pallets at work, and if I wanted one.

Enter this beauty.

We kept the back in tact, and the top/bottom to keep the pallet square. And butted all the boards together to create one even-ish layer.  I say we, because there was no way I was taking all the boards off myself... Lets be real I'm strong, but not that strong.


Justin removed the boards, I removed the nails


Then we hammered new nails in to keep the boards in place. And I almost forgot the best part!! There was an extra foot or so left over and I cut to cut it off, with a saw! A jigsaw maybe? Eh idk, one that wasn't going to cut off my hand.



And added a kickstand :)

I thought that was the hard part, but that was no where near it.
I figured out my colors...

I really wanted to do white on grey, but the boards were just really pretty.
I then figured out the quote, the measurements I wanted to use on the pallet, chose the font and added it to illustrator on a 25x30 PDF. I took it to FedEx Print store and only cost 3.50 to make a stencil (obviously I bought two in case I screwed up).


And the cutting began. Wen I was a design student I bought a sweet exacto knife, and the rest is history.



To cut it only took an episode of Dexter and two episodes of Tosh.0

I laid it out and began painting, obviously while watching Moulin Rouge, and got this much done.



My back hurt from hunching over, so I called it quits for the night and began again in the morning.


I accidentally painted love white, and had to go over that with my pop color. So I went back over it in the yellow I bought (the e) but it was too bright so I added some white, and made it more pastel-y (lov)


And voila!! She's all done :)


The kickstand is at a little too much of an angle...and apparently my ladder isn't OSHA approved so I must wait to fix it until I find a real ladder, and add more decorations.


Next project. Pallet headboard!...but, maybe not, they're so heavy!!

xo A

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Last night I witnessed a car crash.
It was the most awful thing I've ever experienced.
Literally slow motion as this car runs a stop light (in my head I'm screaming at this car "slow down! stop sign!") and hits the lady directly in front of me going 45, glass shatters, car crunching, hits telephone pole in a matter of 3 seconds.

I screamed and slammed on my brakes that the contents of my front seat hit the floor.

< it should have been me>

Dial 911


911 what's your emergency?
I just witnessed a car crash
Is anyone hurt?
I don't know I see people moving in the cars.

<do I get out to check?>

Ma'am what happened?
A car ran the stop sign and we didn't have have one and hit the car in front of me.

<fuuudge, breathe>

The woman gets out of the car and by now a few others have stopped, one was a nurse who was checking her pulse, the other was holding her head steady.

<that would have been me on the ground>

Cops and ambulance and fire trucks show up. Someone comes to talk to me since I was the only one that witnessed it. I tell them the details and wait for the woman to be put on the stretcher.

<me on the stretcher>

The cop turns to me and asks if I'd like to stay, otherwise I was free to go.
I start crying.
She tells me it's alright and that I can stay as long as I'd like, and that it's hard witnessing something like that, especially when it could have been me.

Lets back up.
I was in Cape Coral on my way to Kat and Justin's to watch Wisconsin/Ohio state game. I stopped at Publix to pick up some snacks, and was probably there a little longer than I needed.  On my way over the bridge I realize I'm going 10 over the speed limit and scold myself.
I turn onto Diplomat and am following a car that was going the speed limit, if not 44, on any other day I would have easily passed this car, but again I scolded myself for not needing to go any faster, as I was in no hurry.

The car I was following. Is the car that got smashed.
That would have been me.

This unfortunately is my rough sketch of what happened. There is no stop sign on Diplomat whereas on 24th, the brown truck, does. He completely ran it.

One of the firefighters said, this happens all the time, and they need to make it a stop sign, or put in a light very soon. Luckily the fire department is very close by.

I can't stop thinking about it.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

You're Crate!

I've been working on too many projects at once, but finally finished the crates for the bathroom.

I didn't really need more storage, just needed a table or shelf in that spot, and I love them. I had them for about 2 weeks before finally deciding they needed stained. I still had stain leftover from the necklace hanger & cup thing I made and figured it couldn't hurt.

Side note. Did not make these :) bought at JoAnns unfinished for $12-$15 or something

I get really antsy about staining things so I ended up with 2 coats because I'm always worried its going to dry too fast and get goopy.



I was debating whether or not to polyurethane them or not. Shiny not shiny.
When it was brought to my attention, I should seal them because of the moisture in the bathroom might not be great and over time they could warp.

So I clear coated them. With a foam brush. Idiot. So it's a little bubbly in some spots, but overall look good. 


Glad I can put everything back in them that's been scattered on the floor all week (let's be real 1 1/2 weeks).


xo A

Friday, September 27, 2013

26 things I've learned about myself

In lieu of my birthday I figured this was fitting.
**I actually started this last week and just found it 3/4 done today**

1. Have become the person, that won't be THAT aunt, that teaches my nephew bad things. (I think..)

2. Sometimes don't think with my head.

3. Sometimes say things before thinking them through

4. Have become smarter with my money, and even though the dress fit all 3 times I went in, still didn't buy it.

5. I've turned into this baby person, that when I see stranger's babies, I immediately think it's Brody (even if it's a girl) and creepily approach them

6. I'm starting to tolerate dogs. hi I didn't say like. I said tolerate. Jump on me and you're done.

7. Snapchat is my new form of communication, seeing faces is so much better than just words

8. I get really emotional about random things. Old Full House episodes? waterworks. Season Finale of the Office? alligator tears.

9. Watching the news sucks.

10. I can't drink like I did in college

11. Sunscreen is your friend

12. Just because some random is from Iowa, does not actually mean he is normal like the rest of us, see this tool.

13. I tell people too much. Like complete strangers. Like the people that bag my groceries.

14. I'm still pretty naive -- see above

15. I trust people way too much - ie. my guard is pretty much always up

16. When my guard isn't up, guess where it is?  Down.

17. I fall really hard.

18. I have terrible timing.

19. I have a mild condition called Road Rage

20. I think I have SAD (seasonal affective disorder) but not from winter, from rain

I think 20 is enough learnings.

And because I'm working on thisssssss

And want to finish tonight :)

xo A

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I've been feeling extra salty lately. It's possible I have SAD which is seasonal a disorder or something. I think the rain has me down.
Or it's other things.

I think I'm getting a cold. Everyone in the office is hacking and blowing their nose, or actually out sick.
I really have nothing good to say, I've had this post open all day.

ISU is playing which I'm watching on gamecast and we lost all three of our sand volleyball games. I did work out today and that felt good.

This post sucks. Bye.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Things heard.

She just figured out the K in 5K stood for kilometers.

Well now you can marinate on that..

You sound really far away

-Well I am really far away
No I mean like on the phone
-I'll take it off speaker phone, but just hope I don't put 'er in the rhubarb

Yeah but I heard the traffic gets really bad in the winter

-Well yeah, but you just have to expect it. It's like going to Disney World, you go and know there's going to be a line.
Errr I would not compare Fort Myers to Disney World
-The mind is it's own place. It can make a heaven of hell, and a hell of heaven

Maybe we'll see you Monday, or maybe we'll be bailing you out of jail.

Alyssa. This is what you sounded like this weekend.
sorry I'm not sorry.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Birthday things




If you're happy and you know it clamp your hams.

It's your birthday but don't get too excited

Need water. And sleep.

xo A

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mommy you tricked me, there ARE toys here!

Hahaha heard that in Marshall's today and about lost it. Cutest little kid.

So last week I got a picture of Brody eating breakfast off one of my toy tea plates (yes they have real plates, but he insisted on putting his food on the plate, then eating it)


So naturally I went to Target and bought a pretty cute set and sent them home.


I got home late from shopping, and Skype with above little man, so I made an easy supper.

Buffalo chicken grilled cheese.

All my favorite things.




xo A

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Family Supper round 2

It was my turn to cook for family supper on Monday. If you remember last was a complete fail of pictures on my part. But I'm going to attempt to be better this time....and partially succeeded.

For an appetizer I started with my a favorite (ok they're all favorites, let's be real). I love pickle wraps, but I was lazy and went with the dip version.


Pickle Wrap Dip
16 ounces cream cheese, softened
12 ounces Buddig beef, chopped
16 ounces baby dill pickles, drained, diced
16 ounces Ritz crackers

1. Combine softened cream cheese, chopped beef, and diced pickles; mix well.
2. Serve with Ritz crackers, chilled or up to room temperature.

3. Refrigerate leftovers.

I only used 1 package of beef and 3/4 jar of pickles. But could have easily used another 1/2 package of beef. I also added a little sour cream so it wasn't so thick.

For vegetable, Grandma Z's Corn Casserole. Made on every birthday and holiday in college. A Freddy Court/815 6th Street/125 Campus Ave Special. I actually still make my mom have it for holidays at home.
I would love to share the recipe, BUT unfortunately I cannot. 


For potato I went with the Lahr family recipe for "Party Potatoes" (a lot of people laugh when I tell them they are party potatoes, but it's a staple for every graduation, Turkey Day, Christmas....)(ps. by Lahr Family recipe, I mean, back of the hash brown potato bag) 

Party Potatoes aka Mr Dells Original Potato Casserole

10 cups shredded hash browns
1/4 cup + 2 T. butter or margarine
1 can cream of chicken soup
12-oz. sour cream
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup chopped green onions or normal onion
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1 cup crushed corn flakes
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375° F. Melt 1/4 cup butter or margarine and pour into 9 x 13 inch baking dish, then add 5 cups of Mr. Dell’s Hash Browns. (No need to thaw.) In separate bowl, mix soup, sour cream, milk, and green onions, then pour 1/2 of this mixture over hash browns. Salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle one cup grated cheese on top. Add remainder of hash browns and pour remainder of mixture on top, salt and pepper. Sprinkle remaining cheese on top, then cover with crushed corn flakes. Drizzle two tablespoons melted butter or margarine over mixture and bake for 55 minutes.
The only problem with this recipe is the corn flakes. Who owns corn flakes? I did not buy an entire box of cornflakes to use only 1 cup. I was going to use Ritz crackers but, nobody's got time for that.

For meat I made Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken. It's a recipe I've had pinned for a long time and really wanted to try it. I went home on my lunch break to put everything together.

Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken

1 (3 lb.) bag frozen chicken breasts
1 (12 oz.) bottle Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Wings Sauce
1 (1 oz.) pkg. Ranch dip mix

Put frozen chicken, wing sauce, and ranch dip mix into a crock pot. Cook on LOW for 6 to 7 hours.
Using two forks, shred chicken and return to crock pot. Cook on LOW for an additional hour.

Me shredding chicken for the first time.
Amber, do you have any cool tools to shred chicken with besides forks?
-Yeah he's called Jimmy


I made about 1 1/2 times the recipe to feed 7 of us. So I used double ranch and 1 1/4 bottles Buffalo sauce. I just bought rolls from the bakery, nothing to fancy but you could easily get some Hawaiian Sweet Rolls OR! make Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheeses. SO good. (Yup. Totally making those later this week)

For dessert I went with real simple, and made these Sunday night. I bought a box of No bake cheesecake, and instead of making the whole cheesecake, I made them into individual muffin tins. Super easy. Buy a box and you'll be able to figure it out. 

(Actually the reason I make them this way, because it makes more. It SAYS it will make 12, but I got 14. And who doesn't want extra dessert?)("oh but Alyssa doesn't that make the rest of them smaller?" Uh no. Plus who even determines how big they're supposed to be?)

Amber let me wear her sweet apron and she set the table all pretty :) gotta love birthday week!



xo A