Monday, September 30, 2013

You know that saying....

"Dang that girl is batshit crazy!"

I'm pallet crazy.

This is one of the best projects I've ever completed (mainly on my own) and am In. Love. With.

Pallet furniture has been a huge craze all over Pinterest lately, but I saw this and knew immediately it was the perfect thing for the kitchen above the cabinets.

Family dinner a few nights ago Kat's, Justin (I say Kat's, because there are 3 Justin's) said he had some pallets at work, and if I wanted one.

Enter this beauty.

We kept the back in tact, and the top/bottom to keep the pallet square. And butted all the boards together to create one even-ish layer.  I say we, because there was no way I was taking all the boards off myself... Lets be real I'm strong, but not that strong.


Justin removed the boards, I removed the nails


Then we hammered new nails in to keep the boards in place. And I almost forgot the best part!! There was an extra foot or so left over and I cut to cut it off, with a saw! A jigsaw maybe? Eh idk, one that wasn't going to cut off my hand.



And added a kickstand :)

I thought that was the hard part, but that was no where near it.
I figured out my colors...

I really wanted to do white on grey, but the boards were just really pretty.
I then figured out the quote, the measurements I wanted to use on the pallet, chose the font and added it to illustrator on a 25x30 PDF. I took it to FedEx Print store and only cost 3.50 to make a stencil (obviously I bought two in case I screwed up).


And the cutting began. Wen I was a design student I bought a sweet exacto knife, and the rest is history.



To cut it only took an episode of Dexter and two episodes of Tosh.0

I laid it out and began painting, obviously while watching Moulin Rouge, and got this much done.



My back hurt from hunching over, so I called it quits for the night and began again in the morning.


I accidentally painted love white, and had to go over that with my pop color. So I went back over it in the yellow I bought (the e) but it was too bright so I added some white, and made it more pastel-y (lov)


And voila!! She's all done :)


The kickstand is at a little too much of an angle...and apparently my ladder isn't OSHA approved so I must wait to fix it until I find a real ladder, and add more decorations.


Next project. Pallet headboard!...but, maybe not, they're so heavy!!

xo A