Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's getting CHILI in Florida

But for real, we're talking low 70's, mid 60's people.

Today I donned a sweater and knew it was chili for supper. Raise your hand if you've been making the same chili recipe forever. As in you know the recipe by heart and don't need to look at the card anymore. *me*

So I asked around, looked up some recipes and made the most amazing supper. I almost don't want to write this, and instead get another bowl. But I will not, because it just remembered that the grocery store sells turkey necks (right next to the ground turkey) and it has scarred me a little.

Turkey chili
1 pound ground turkey
1/2 a yellow onion, chopped
1 green pepper, cut up pretty small
1 can diced tomatoes
2 15oz cans tomato sauce
1 can black beans
1 can chili beans/red beans
Chili powder
Salt and pepper

So I did this in the crockpot, but I did it pretty backwards. Naturally I didn't have 4 hours to let it cook so I'm going to tell you how I would have cooked it.
I browned the turkey with 1 teaspoon chili powder. I think it adds more flavor. When that was done, I sautéed the onions and peppers. Everything else went into the crockpot along with 2 tablespoons chili powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper.
I let it cook for an hour while my CORNBREAD was baking. However I was starving and put it in the microwave for a minute and had to eat. If you have the time, 4 hours on high, 6 hours on low.

Ok but this was the best part. Creamed corn, cornbread.
Uh you heard me right. I've never had it before but the recipe I found said "Best Cornbread Ever" so I believed it, the internet doesn't lie. Or at least bloggers on Pinterest don't ;)

Preheat oven to 350 (this is the only time I preheat, when baking)
2 Jiffy cornbread mix
2 eggs
1 can cream style corn
2 teaspoons sugar

I halved it, what am I going to do with 16 muffins?! (I should not have halved it)(and I forgot the sugar, I don't really think it needed it anyway)


I like muffins, easier than bread, and they take less time to cook.
Baked 15 minutes + 2 for some color as muffins
If you don't half it and actually make it in a real pan, takes about 30-40 minutes


A beautiful golden brown

This is why I don't have a boyfriend. More leftovers for me.

xo A

ps. What do you put in your chili that makes it so amazing?

Saturday, December 6, 2014


It's been awhile.
I've still been cooking, and doing projects, just have yet to post. These past few weeks have been tough and I just don't feel like writing.

However, today we are celebrating Friendsgiving and I am in charge of cranberries and potatoes (yes I signed myself up for these)

I found a recipe on Pintrest that was super easy for the cranberries (and also on the back of the bag)(lame) and it seemed very similar to what my mom uses.

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
Boil stirring CONSTANTLY


Wash these babies (1bag) and pour in once water is boiling. Bring back to a boil then lower heat to simmer.
Don't they look pretty :)


About the time I took the last picture. And thought "oh they look so pretty" These (swear word) things started popping, and yes they're hot, and yes they hurt. 
This is also when I added 10 cloves, some cinnamon and allspice. I also juiced 1/2 an orange. Cook on low for 12 minutes.


So you're basically done now. Except you have to dig out the cloves. The actual worst part about cranberries (hey mom, did you know cloves came ground up? I bet you don't even have to use whole cloves!) and a job my brother and I hated. It's like Where's Waldo, but Waldo is a sneaky biotch and moves.
However in the sake of being authentic, I used real cloves and am now hovering over this pot digging for cloves, but it smells so amazing. I would consider making these all the time so my apartment smelled this good. Can you find the clove?
(Bottom right)

If you've ever done this, there are about 3 stages.
1.) really confident, you've found 3 in a row and think "this year is going to be different!"
2.) you start debating if you ACTUALLY put 10 in...or perhaps it was only 9, that cranberry popped, and maybe you didn't actually throw #7 in....
3.) you start writing a sign to put in front of the bowl "Watch out for the missing Clove"


You take breaks. 

You call your mom.

And by some stroke of luck, YAHTZEE! You find the last one and it's over.

Cranberry making is truly an art form and not for the faint of heart. You've stained your favorite wooden spoon, and given up your entire morning, but for the sake of tradition, they're done and they taste pretty good. Now it's time for some football.


Thinking of you always,
xo A

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Zucchini crust pizza

Yummy. Seriously, so yummy!



Cheese and egg



Ready to eat.


  • For the crust:
  • 2 small eggs
  • About 3 small-medium zucchinis (my sizes were all over the place)
  • 1.5 cups grated Parmesan or mozzarella. 
  • Salt

  • For the toppings:
  • Use anything you like on a pizza. 
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Mozzarella cheese 
  • Assorted vegetables (I used can mushrooms, real fancy)
  • Meat (I browned some turkey sausage)
  • Olive oil, black pepper
I'm  told you can also use a grater for the zucchini...but why would you, when you have a sweet spiralizer?!

xo A

Monday, October 13, 2014

Elle Oh Elle

One of my friends posted this to Instagram, and I had to copy it because it made me laugh out loud. I had to modify it a little, but still.

Find something that makes you laugh out loud today :)

xo A

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Getting "old"

Recently people have been saying "oh I feel so old" "I just can't do ______________ like I used to, I'm getting too old" "You're to old to do that"

That's just a really bad way to look at life I think. Yes of course you can't do things like you used to, because you GREW UP, and you are SMARTER now. [of course staying out til 2am drinking on a Thursday is bad, you have a JOB to go to at 8am, hello, use your head]

I'm not old, I just have a job now, that I very much like because it pays me.

However, last night as I was taking out my contacts, I saw a grey hair and promptly pulled it [I'm very glad I dyed my hair BEFORE my birthday or it might not have ended so well]. I've been noticing I've had to dye my hair more frequently as of late, and the only thing I worry about when I "get old" is how frequently I'm going to have to dye my hair.

If I dye my hair every 2 months [and that's pushing it] and spend 7.99 [let's make it $9 because of inflation and tax]

Yearly = $54 + 3 hours

Until I die [age 80 is what I'm 401K'ing for a target age] = $2,860 + 159 hours [or 6.5 days]

Ugh. I think that's more scary than anything. And probably by the time I retire, I'm not going to want to color my own hair! $$$ the price of being beautiful :)


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Baked Oatmeal

I've really been trying to eat a lot healthier lately. After doing the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, I kind of didn't stop. I've cut out processed food, sugar, fried things, and coffee [obviously on occasion I eat these things, but rarely. I've noticed I just don't feel great after I eat them] It's really easy to do during the week because I almost always have meals and snacks planned. On the weekend it's a lot harder because I'm at a movie or out to supper or at the bar and it's a little more difficult to eat better.


I have been cooking new recipes I find on Pinterest and it's amazing. Until last night. When it all went very, very wrong.

I can't even tell you when I came to the realization that it wasn't going to turn out... Probably about the time I tried to mix milk, eggs and PEANUT BUTTER together. With a fork.  I knew it wasn't a good idea, and yet I kept going.

I would write more but it just depresses me. Ugh what a mess. Believe it or not peanut butter does not...melt when baked at high temperatures. I blame it on the natural pb...someone at work blamed it on the eggs.


It might look decent, but it has these awful pockets of gelatinous unsweetened oatmeal.
It's quite terrifying. And it's only missing so many because I scooped three pieces out to take to work for breakfast for the week.

This is quite literally what failure looks like. In an 8x8 pan sitting in my refrigerator right now. 

The absolute worst part about the whole thing.
It smelled AMAZING! So I'm sitting on my couch waiting for it to be done, and naturally take a bite right as it comes out of the oven so it's quite literally too hot to even tell if it's good or not... The second bite was spit into the sink.

I wasn't going to add this, but I actually wrote a comment on the woman's blog I got the recipe from, and probably sounded like a whiny brat (not really, but probably pretty whiny) everyone else had noooo problems, why did it turn out so bad for me?!

I hate baking.

xo A

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Oh it's Thursday? Sorry I'm not sorry.

This. Is probably one of the longest project I've ever done. Not because it takes a long time, but because I couldn't decide what I wanted. And let's be honest, holiday weekend...I didn't want to be stuck inside.

Pintrest helped me out. However there is a semi sad ending to this story.
On with the show.

Kat gave me this canvas that she was going to throw away. I knew I could paint over it but didn't know what exactly. I researched a little and found a cool idea to paper mâché over the canvas to give it more dimension. Naturally that sounded the best way to go, because I'm not the best painter.


I mean this is pretty easy, I've done this for so many school projects... 2/3 cup water 1/2 cup flour, strips of newspaper.


And dried.
And I should have anticipated that the canvas would warp, but I didn't so I added an extra two days of this laying face down between two barstools and Friday nights recycled beer bottles on top (innovative I know)(thanks Justin's for the idea)

So my bedspread is white, grey turquoise and yellow. And I wanted something for the very bare wall I have. I've seen some really cool ombré pieces and that's super easy to paint. So I covered 3/4 of the canvas in white and edges! to cover the type of the newspaper (cover the whole thing!!)

I didn't really take pictures of the colors going on but it was really simple. I used a bunch of white on the plate and added a little bit of turquoise in the middle at a time. I stirred with a small paintbrush and striped about 8 inches of the canvas. I added more turquoise the farther I got to the left of the canvas. 


Overall I think it turned out great!


It looks pretty small still :( any other ideas?

Transformation! Tuesday!
(Technically I finished painting it on Tuesday)

The sad. It cracked. The newspaper underneath cracked. You can't really tell from far away, but it's still sad, I should have sealed it or something...actually, I should have fixed it before I hung it up, because now it's never getting fixed.

What's also sad (even though I'm #vacationstatus) I was going to post next week about this super awesome DIY gel manicure that lasts for 7 days, except one nail chipped already. Not even 24 hours. 24 hours! What a joke. I just noticed as I was typing, I didn't even do dishes today! I'm beyond upset. Another glass of wine it is.

love love 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

One pot recipe

In order to keep myself from going crazy, or eating deep fried foods, I've been cooking a lot.
And I've also been hanging out with babies. Because you just HAVE to be in a good mood around babies. I've been missing my babies at home but SO excited to see them soon!

I mean come on, look at those cheeks!!


So this is a one pot recipe for Mushroom Zucchini Pasta that I halved, but I'll include the full recipe that serves 6
1 pound spaghetti (I used angel hair whole wheat)
1 pound sliced mushrooms
2 small zucchini, quartered and sliced
1 cup frozen peas
2 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper
Thyme (I didn't have any)
1/4 cup cream ( I used milk )
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese

I mean this is literally it. Out everything in the lot, add 4 1/2 cups of water and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer uncovered 8-10 minutes. Check your noodles to make sure they are cooked. Liquid will be significantly reduced. Add cream (milk)  stir and add Parmesan, serve immediately. A light cream sauce a very healthy!!

So easy to make!

xo A

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cheesy potato skins

I started actually making some of my Pinned Pintrest recipes

Cook 4 large potatoes, and cut in half

Scoop out insides and place on a cookie sheet. set aside insides in a separate bowl

Add tomato sauce, I used that instead of pizza sauce, I added garlic salt, basil and oregano.
Use more than one spoonful! I wish I added more

I filled mine with turkey sausage and mushrooms

Then added a bunch of mozzarella and some Parmesan on top and baked on 350 for 20 minutes. I left in for another 2-4 minutes until the tops got brown.

Turned out really good, but needed more sauce and heat up really well for lunches!!!

A Better Mac n Cheese

So this is something I made last week, that also heats up nicely. I tried to half it, but ended up making the same amount of noodles, and only halving the sauce..so it was a little bland and needed salt. But overall, will definitely make again. (Again, I halved so I had supper, plus 3 Pyrex dishes to take for lunch)


  • 1 1/2 pound (20 oz) whole wheat elbow macaroni (or any other kind of pasta)
  • 2 small sweet potatoes, microwaved or baked until soft (or sub 1 1/2 cups cooked carrots)
  • 2 1/2 cups milk (I used 2%)
  • 3/4 cup pasta water
  • 3/4 cup plain yogurt (Greek-style works)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4-1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 3 cups grated cheese (I used a mix of cheddar and mozzarella)
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced or 1 teaspoon dried parsley


1) Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Coat a 9x13 baking pan with cooking spray

2) Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the macaroni and cook until tender but still a bit firm. Reserve 3/4 cup of pasta water. Drain pasta in strainer/colander and set aside. Toss with a little olive oil to keep from sticking.

3) Meanwhile, place the sweet potato flesh (orange part), milk, pasta water, yogurt, salt and pepper into a blender and blend until smooth (this hides the vegs from keen eyes!).

4) Then pour the milk mixture into the same pot you cooked the pasta in. Stir frequently over medium-high heat and cook until the mixture is almost simmering. Turn to low and slowly whisk in the cheese a little bit at a time. Stir until mostly melted and smooth. Cooking Note: The cheese sauce will seem runny/soupy but it thickens up in the oven.

5) Add the cooked macaroni to the cheese sauce and stir to combine. Transfer the macaroni and cheese to the baking dish.

6) Combine bread crumbs, olive oil, and dried parsley in a small bowl. Sprinkle over the top of the macaroni and cheese.

7) Bake for about 20 minutes, until the top is lightly browned.


If you follow me on Pintrest you can find them there too

xo A

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cleanse Day 9&10 + 11-19

Yeah yeah yeah I suck. 
I need to find a happy medium. Either I write everyday and get worn out because really not that much cool stuff happens on a daily basis (things that are notable anyway) or...yeah just that top one happens. So I need to find a happy medium. It stopped being fun when I tried to force myself to write all the time. It's pretty tiring being funny all the time (kidding)(not really)

So this past week I've just been evaluating my life (no big deal) cleaning out the excess and re organizing... But literally. 

All these shelves used to hold DVDs and now they're expertly hidden in these amazing boxes from IKEA


I also recently met with a financial advisor to go over retirement plan and blah blah blah, no one cares about that stuff. Either way, he says I'm in a good place and I'm in better shape than most people he sees (money wise, not fitness wise) so that makes me feel pretty good. He said it's more about educating myself 

Anyway. The 24 Day Challenge is going well. I haven't had processed foods in almost 3 weeks, minimal dairy, no coffee or sugar (I had a glass of lemonade the other day that was sooo good though). The recipes I'm trying are spectacular and I actually have food in the fridge to make real meals. This afternoon I made Parmesan Garlic crusted zucchini and chicken salad with Greek yogurt. While all that was coming together I had rice, leftover turkey burger and spaghetti sauce that I stuffed inside green peppers and baked them. Added some garlic salt, Italian seasoning and onion...sooo good


I honestly think just planning out meals and going to the grocery store twice a week has really helped. My produce doesn't go bad because I only plan 4 days at a time (I had a lot go bad at the beginning because I was trying to plan a full week)

I feel great, am eating great, and working out on a semi normal schedule.
Clean eating isn't hard, per say....just takes planning.

xo A

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cleanse Day 7 & 8

The finish line is close.

Monday I did good for breakfast and lunch, ran 2 1/2 miles then went to Amber's for Family Dinner.

She made roasted Brussels sprouts with a garlic aioli and some goat cheese with multi grain crackers. I tried the aioli (it's basically oil and cheese) and had a little of the goat cheese because it's my favorite.

She made Caprese salad ( I had mine without the mozzarella, a pretty big deal for me I know) and stuffed peppers with couscous, mushrooms, sausage and some goat cheese, with a side of roasted green beans and bacon (no bacon for me).

For dessert, key lime pie and decaf coffee (aka another glass of water :) )

Day 8 and only 2 more fiber drinks left. I'm feeling great, no more headaches.

I did have a bit of a meltdown today though. Last Saturday I was at Target and decided it was time to buy a Blu Ray player (my DVD player had recently bit the dust)(and then started working again) so I bought one, and she told me I wouldn't need to plug it into the internet (she lied) I took it back an hour later to exchange for one with wi-fi, and bought an HDMI cord. Only to remember, the reason I returned my Apple TV, because I only have 1 HDMI port on my TV.

So then I bought an HDMI switcher, so I could plug it into the TV and the Blu Ray and Dish into the switcher. Well the switcher did not come with a way to connect it to the TV. So now I either buy another HDMI cord, a new TV or chalk it up as a loss and return everything.

Technology hates me. Or I have yet to understand it.

xo A

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cleanse Day 6

had a lame breakfast (because it's the weekend and I was supposed to play volleyball but everyone cancelled) so I'm just going to eat lunch a little early and do a workout video.

I went to the grocery store to re stock up. More fruits! I think I need to go every 4-5 days instead of for the whole week, because I have these really big ideas about meal plans, but then they make more then what I scheduled, and food goes bad (aka mushrooms)(and lettuce and because salads kind of get old).

I also realized I can totally continue eating "cleaner" I just need to start making my own bread. Because, that really all I want in life right now. Is bread. And maybe a glass of milk. Ohmygosh I miss cheese too (I can actually have milk and low fat cheese in moderation)(low fat anything just doesn't sound great) and I mean I can do it, not eat things for 10 days, I've also had no alcohol and that hasn't been as hard... I'm rambling

For supper I made my go to Lemon Pepper Shrimp with Orzo, minus the butter. And some lemon water.

 Cherries. So good. And on sale.

xo A

Cleanse day 5

I just want bread.
An entire loaf of Italian bread, or a baguette. Thinking about it is making me hungry.

Jacs and I went to the beach today in Boca Grande. Lots of water, we ate at an Italian place, we both got pizza no cheese. I had pepperoni sausage and veggies, so I suppose the pepperoni is technically cheating...well and probably the crust, but it was whole grain...

I made a homemade pizza on a whole wheat tortilla for supper, sausage, peppers, and tomatoes. I had mushrooms too but apparently they went south, and smelled horrible.

Another 3 mile run today :)

xo A

Friday, July 18, 2014

Cleanse Day 4

I need new lunches to take to work. Salads are boring and I need real breakfast.

Headaches are still a real thing, but not as bad anymore, I've hit the what, 4 day hump...

Today for hall day a few friends invited me to drink and paint. It was a lot of fun, but now that it's home, it looks really weird. Like not palm trees.

The whole group of people at the session

Anne, Jaclyn and I

I really like my sky. But pretty much looks like sticks...
Thanks for the photos Jacs!

xo A
And ps. I didn't drink

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cleanse Day 3

Last day of fiber drink until Day 7 woo hoo! 

Mango and blueberries in my oatmeal today, spectacular. Some honey and cinnamon hit the spot.

Lunch, salad with chicken and lots of veggies, some leftover mango.

For supper, this lovely thing. (That's chicken and vegetables) and a nasty headache that won't go away.
Let's play some volleyball and go to bed early! (Said no one ever)

xo A

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cleanse Day 2

Today I paced myself on the water, and was much more productive, I think my body was probably in less shock thinking I was trying to drown it. I'm still ending the day +9

I almost threw up the fiber drink. But only because I was drinking too fast and added too much water. Breakfast was a win! I added cinnamon and honey today and a little extra water, it was too sticky yesterday.

Lunch, also uneventful, except I added leftover turkey burger (is that really what you call it because it's not in the form of a burger...nor would I really consider it burger...I just feel weird calling it turkey. Makes me think of thanksgiving).

Apple for a snack

I had leftovers for supper because I was too hungry to wait for the sweet potatoes to cook, so they're done for tomorrow at least. I did learn how to cut a mango the proper way though (hint: not like an avocado) (if you're wondering, yes, one time at work I tried to cut a mango like an avocado and everyone at the table watched me struggle and laughed at me, not with me, because I was not laughing. It was awful. And sticky)

Cut down the sides AROUND the pit

Then score the fruit (like you would an avocado)

And scoop out with a spoon. Genius I tell you.
This mango comes to me via a friends' neighbors' mango tree. Absolutely delicious.

xo A