Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cleanse Day 2

Today I paced myself on the water, and was much more productive, I think my body was probably in less shock thinking I was trying to drown it. I'm still ending the day +9

I almost threw up the fiber drink. But only because I was drinking too fast and added too much water. Breakfast was a win! I added cinnamon and honey today and a little extra water, it was too sticky yesterday.

Lunch, also uneventful, except I added leftover turkey burger (is that really what you call it because it's not in the form of a burger...nor would I really consider it burger...I just feel weird calling it turkey. Makes me think of thanksgiving).

Apple for a snack

I had leftovers for supper because I was too hungry to wait for the sweet potatoes to cook, so they're done for tomorrow at least. I did learn how to cut a mango the proper way though (hint: not like an avocado) (if you're wondering, yes, one time at work I tried to cut a mango like an avocado and everyone at the table watched me struggle and laughed at me, not with me, because I was not laughing. It was awful. And sticky)

Cut down the sides AROUND the pit

Then score the fruit (like you would an avocado)

And scoop out with a spoon. Genius I tell you.
This mango comes to me via a friends' neighbors' mango tree. Absolutely delicious.

xo A

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