Sunday, July 13, 2014

Bags vs. Sacks

It's not reallly quite school supply season. And there are hardly any ads about going back to college, so I'm not depressed like I usually get that I don't get to go school supply shopping. However, I did yesterday. At work we are having a school supply drive for Lee County Schools. (Why do they call it a drive? It's a box placed in the lobby that you put your things in..has anyone else wondered that? No one has to drive, it's not like a drive-thru...Do other people wonder it but not want to say anything for fear of looking silly? We may never know).
It's one of those things where, growing up we always used to fill a school bag for church to give to (well I don't actually know who got it, but the fact is they were giving it to someone in need) so I decided before all the good folders and notebooks got picked over, I'd buy my bag.

Well then I got to the store and they had Frozen folders, and One Direction, and awesome patterned ones. That I got really overwhelmed and just bought normal ones. If i knew "Lucy" was getting it, I would have gotten amazing colors and sweet pens (because I know girls care about that stuff and 99% of boys don't) but since I was unsure I went bright normal colors instead.


A part of me wants to make a sweet drawing in every notebook, buts face it, I'm not that great at drawing, and most kids probably wouldn't find me funny.

Have you filled your bag?

xo A

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