Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Side note

I know I've talked about this before, but I hate when you buy groceries and you spend the time to pick out the best produce and it gets put at the bottom of the bag and smushed. I lost a banana this morning due to it being punctured by something else in my bag.  Sometimes I'd like to offer to bag them myself, but that sounds rude.

I read an article about how we need to be in the sun more and use less sunscreen. Huh. Very confusing as opposed to everything you've ever heard about sun exposure and sunscreen.  I think I'll stick with my 30 SPF.  http://www.realfarmacy.com/scientists-blow-the-lid-on-cancer-sunscreen-myth/

I've been missing something in my life and until Saturday, I didn't know it.
The library! Call me a nerd, but I love a good library and a good book. Thunderstorms and rain make it even better.


Magazines and going on holiday

International text messaging rates, are a real thing. And yes. They're a little expensive. However I recommend if you go on holiday and plan on meeting a tall handsome stranger that is from London, that constantly compliments your eyes, refuses to talk about Harry Potter, and plays football on the side; you should download WhatsApp and text messaging rates do not apply. [This is strictly all hypothetical of course ;) ]

So, today I started the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I made a meal plan for the week and went grocery shopping and bought mainly all produce. And a few odds and ends.  I am cutting out (aka significantly reducing) dairy, processed foods, sugar...all the not good things for you. The first 10 days are a cleanse (read: ridding my body of toxins)

I guess this is what cleansing looks like:

Hint: it's going pretty well so far!

xo A

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