Friday, November 22, 2013


Today I ran through the pouring down rain and 2" of standing water with groceries shoes and keys in my hand. Dropped a bag and dumped the ham and Brussels sprouts into a gigantic puddle. Threw those on the floor only to turn on the car and the "trunk ajar" light flashed. Was thoroughly soaked to the bone only to drive through 6 inches of water to exit the parking lot with windshield wipers that need to be replaced because I've had for 6 months through all the heat.

6 months!!!! Yesterday was my 6 month anniversary at work!  Time flies when it's over 75 degrees everyday.

Saw Catching Fire tonight. Spectacular. The costumes amazing. I cried twice. And jumped more times then I care to admit. Go see it. Or read the book. You won't be disappointed.

xo A

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