Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm just sittin' out here watchin' airplanes...

So this Saturday the Page Field airport held an Aviation Day where you could go to the airport and check out all the planes and do helicopter rides and eat food and a mini carnival and some demonstrations. Well it is also encouraged to bring your child and dog, and a stroller (child optional) to this event. I felt I needed a child to fit in (don't worry, not happening) ( I'll just buy a stroller to carry all my stuff around).

The plane on display is below, a twin engine bomber...that's all I got, I don't really know much about planes, so hear goes.

A lot of the planes there were personal use, or flight instructors trying to sell you lessons. I think some people I drive scary, I shouldn't be flying a plane..

This little sea plane was for sale (sale pending) and iiiiiiii want it, or at least ride in one. Soooo cool, reminds me of Speed 2

Ok so above and below planes... Below helicopter is mosquito control for Lee county. I heard the above is the same thing. Please note if above plane were flying around Fort Myers at low altitudes, people would care. I also heard it was used in oil spills like on the ocean, and would dispense a chemical meant to break up the oil, far more believable. Either way a pretty neat plane.

This dude was giving rides, along with a helicopter, but it seemed like they were swarming my apartment all morning (Obviously they weren't).

Afterwards I met up with some friends at a sports bar to watch Iowa State get their butts kicked. We actually missed the one touchdown they got because I was trying to get in a fight with some Florida fans that were going nutso playing Georgia, and was watching that game instead. Maybe next year Iowa State...

xo A

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