Thursday, October 24, 2013

Run Forrest Run

Turns out... I can run!
I signed up for a Beach Obstacle Course 5K in November with a few other ladies here and told myself I had 60 days to get back in shape. I started working out, but not really running. 
It scared me. 

So I started elliptical and weights and then eventually treadmill 2 weeks later. Epic fail. I got a little discouraged when I realized I only had a month left. I remember Lyndsey saying she did couch to 5K for a race she ran and really liked it. Well it's an eight week program so I put myself on the fast track.

Warm up. Run 1/2 mile. Walk 1/4 mile. Run 3/4. Walk 1/4. Etc. etc. for 30 minutes. Did that every other day for a week and began to swap Run 1/2 for Run 3/4 and then a full mile. And today a ran a full 2 1/2 miles without a break. I was pretty proud of myself considering I haven't ran more than one continuous mile since Sophomore track in high school.

I probably could have ran longer but some tool that I met at the pool when I first moved in, came in to workout and turned on The Bride of Chucky. I hightailed it out of there.

On a side note. It's gorgeous here. And I have the windows and lanai door open. Absolutely wonderful fall weather.

xo A

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