Friday, July 12, 2013

The pros & cons of home hair dye

If you know me, you know I love pros/cons lists and make them for many decisions in my life. Some small on post it's, others on large pieces of "weekly rip-off calendar" pages.

I recently dyed my hair (and previously cut it) and showing up at work is always fun and usually lasts for a week until the last people see your head. I always get antsy and nervous whenever I dye it and tend to go a shade lighter than I want because one time, had to be junior year of high school, I picked out dark dark brown and I turned into Morticia Addams from the Addams family because it was so black, almost purple. Horrifying.

Lots of compliments, even if your clothes look subpar, your hair is still glowing from just being dyed. Actually even if it sucks people will lie and say it looks normal.
People literally come out of the woodwork to talk to you therefore minimizing actual work time. The office is very open so when someone exclaims "you colored your hair?!" Most people assume hot pink streaks and flock over.
You hear things like "that color really brings out your eyes" (great just what I need).
Someone in the office was actually startled. "Ohmygosh you dyed your hair?! I thought you were a whole new person! I love it!"

I ruin on average one towel, t shirt, and washcloth every time (I used to keep them to use every time I colored my hair, but I always dye brown, and no one wants to go into the linen closet and see a streaky brown towel. Just sayin')
This time I also ruined two hair ties. I mean they weren't really a big loss, they're those new "bracelet" ones, and they don't hold my hair very well
I always manage to cover my entire forehead in dye, and my ears, and my neck, so that's always really fun to scrub off.
Also. If you touch anything it doesn't show at first, but guaranteed 10 minutes later, fingerprints.

Anyhow, I feel like I can do it just as good for $7 at home than sit for 3 hours and spend well over $60. Pros will always win for home hair dye when it's a normal color. 

Plus I hear guys at Home Depot really like a good brunette ;)

xo A

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