Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday learnings

1. How to NOT cut a mango (still not sure about the correct way, but I've heard there are good YouTube videos).
2. The level on my phone blows
3. It is next to impossible to find a wall stud by "knocking". (And the 16-24" apart only works if you find one first!) Whoever invented that is probably having  a heart attack watching down on me with my face pressed against the wall and bloody knuckles
4. It may be possible Florida does not actually use wall studs
5. How to tell what size drill bit to use with a screw. A real simple technique I use is to hold up the drill bit and the screw. Hold the shaft of the drill bit up in front of the screw. You should only be able to see the threads of the screw (and maybe a bit of the screw). If you can't see the threads the drill bit is too big. If you can see too much of the screw, the bit is too small.

I'll be back tomorrow with a stud finder and a proper level, although I've been hanging things for the past 7 years without one...damn you vaulted ceilings!

Ps. My knuckles really aren't bloody, I'm not that dumb....

xo A

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